SwornSlayer Diaries: Nakaruri (Bleach Short)


Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

Nakaruri: (Standing amidst the ruins, her green hair billowing in the wind, scanning the horizon)

Inner thought: The air reeks of impending battle; Nakaruri senses a powerful reiatsu approaching, her hollow mask tingling with anticipation. She knows this presence, and a smirk curls on her lips. “Finally, some entertainment,” she thinks, gripping her katana tighter as Renji Abarai appears.

Renji: (Shunpo-ing into view, his Zabimaru gleaming)

Inner thought: This Shinigami thinks he can stop me?; Nakaruri feels a thrill as Renji calls out to her, his voice steady but filled with determination. His challenge amuses her. “We’ll see about that, Shinigami,” she taunts, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Nakaruri: (Dodging Renji’s initial attack with ease, her body flickering)

Inner thought: Too slow; She moves with fluid grace, her katana meeting Zabimaru in a clash of sparks. Each parry and counter feels like a dance. “Is that all you’ve got?” she mocks, her voice echoing through the ruins.

Renji: (Launching into a series of rapid strikes, gritting his teeth)

Inner thought: He’s persistent, I’ll give him that; Nakaruri parries effortlessly, her movements precise. She forces Renji to backflip with a swift slash. The thrill of the fight surges within her. “Come on, Shinigami, show me your Bankai,” she thinks, anticipation building.

Nakaruri: (Watching as Renji summons his Bankai, a skeletal serpent coiling around him)

Inner thought: Finally, something interesting; Her eyes glow with an eerie light. The dark energy crackles around her, her hollow mask morphing to enhance her powers. “This is going to be fun,” she thinks, charging at Renji with her katana surrounded by a sinister aura.

Renji: (Bankai roaring, its massive jaws snapping at Nakaruri)

Inner thought: He’s strong, but not strong enough; Nakaruri weaves through the attacks with grace. Her katana strikes true, cutting through Zabimaru’s defenses. She lands a glancing blow on Renji’s shoulder, satisfaction coursing through her. “I can end this anytime I want,” she thinks.

Nakaruri: (Preparing for Renji’s desperate final attack, her katana poised)

Inner thought: This ends now; She unleashes a devastating strike, slicing through the air with unparalleled speed and power. The explosion of light and shadow as their energies collide exhilarates her. “This is what I live for,” she thinks.

Renji: (On his knees, breathing heavily, his Bankai shattered)

Inner thought: Pathetic; Nakaruri stands over him, her katana ready for the final blow. “Any last words, Shinigami?” she asks, her voice cold and merciless. The defiance in his eyes only amuses her further.

Ichigo: (Appearing suddenly, his spiritual pressure overwhelming)

Inner thought: Another challenger; Nakaruri turns, surprised by the sudden surge of reiatsu. Ichigo Kurosaki’s determination intrigues her. “This could be interesting,” she thinks, a smirk playing on her lips.

Nakaruri: (Facing Ichigo, her katana still poised)

Inner thought: Let’s see what the Substitute Shinigami is made of; His firm declaration that she’s not taking anyone else today fuels her excitement. “Very well, Substitute Shinigami. Let’s see what you’ve got,” she says, readying herself for the new challenge.

Ichigo: (Charging at Nakaruri, his eyes filled with determination)

Inner thought: He’s strong, but is he strong enough?; Nakaruri matches his intensity, their blades clashing with a force that shakes the ground. The thrill of the fight consumes her. “This is it,” she thinks, her heart pounding with excitement.

Nakaruri: (Dodging Ichigo’s strikes with agility, countering with precision)

Inner thought: He’s good, but I am better; She moves with fluidity, her katana meeting his with a resounding clash. Each exchange feels like a dance of death. “I will not be defeated,” she thinks, her resolve unshakable.

Ichigo: (Summoning his Getsuga Tensho, unleashing a wave of energy)

Inner thought: Impressive; Nakaruri meets the attack head-on, her own energy colliding with his. The explosion of power is exhilarating. “This is what I live for,” she thinks, her eyes blazing with determination.

Nakaruri: (Feeling the strain of the battle, but refusing to back down)

Inner thought: I will not lose; She pushes herself harder, her strikes becoming more ferocious. Each clash of their blades sends shockwaves through the ruins. “I will see this through to the end,” she thinks, her resolve steeling.

Ichigo: (Panting, but his determination unwavering)

Inner thought: He’s resilient, I’ll give him that; Nakaruri respects his tenacity, but she is determined to win. “You are strong, Ichigo Kurosaki, but I am stronger,” she thinks, her eyes narrowing.

Nakaruri: (Unleashing a flurry of attacks, pushing Ichigo to his limits)

Inner thought: This is it; She pours all her strength into each strike, her katana moving with deadly precision. The thrill of the battle consumes her. “I will not be defeated,” she thinks, her resolve unshakable.

Ichigo: (Countering with all his might, his eyes blazing with determination)

Inner thought: He’s giving it his all; Nakaruri respects his effort, but she is relentless. “This ends now,” she thinks, her katana poised for the final blow.

Nakaruri: (Striking with all her might, their energies clashing in a brilliant explosion)

Inner thought: This is the end; The explosion of light and shadow is blinding. When the dust settles, she stands tall, her katana gleaming. “I have won,” she thinks, satisfaction coursing through her.

Ichigo: (On his knees, breathing heavily, but his spirit unbroken)

Inner thought: He’s not giving up; Nakaruri admires his spirit, but she is the victor. “You fought well, Ichigo Kurosaki,” she says, her voice cold but respectful.

Nakaruri: (Preparing to leave, her victory assured)

Inner thought: This is only the beginning; She knows this battle is just one of many to come. “I will be ready for the next challenge,” she thinks, her resolve unshakable. The battle of Karakura Town is far from over.



SwornSlayer God
SwornSlayer Diaries Fanfiction Fantasy Focused

The SwornSlayer God serves as the unseen guide and observer of the SwornSlayers. They are the silent witness to the vows made and the quests undertaken.