SwornSlayer Diaries: Emma (Psycological Short)


Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

Emma: (Stepping out of her car, gazing at the dilapidated mansion before her)

Inner thought: This is my new beginning; Emma’s heart raced with a mixture of hope and dread as she approached the old family home. “This place needs a lot of work,” she thought, the wooden steps creaking under her weight. The air felt heavy, almost suffocating, as if the mansion itself was aware of her presence.

Emma: (Spending the first few days cleaning and organizing)

Inner thought: Keeping busy keeps the mind quiet; Emma threw herself into cleaning, determined to transform the neglected mansion. “I won’t let this place get to me,” she muttered, scrubbing the floors with a fervor that matched her desperation to ignore the eerie atmosphere. The nights, however, were different. The house seemed to come alive, whispering secrets she wasn’t ready to hear.

Emma: (Hearing soft, indistinct whispering at night)

Inner thought: What is that?; Emma sat up in bed, straining to listen to the faint whispers that seemed to emanate from the walls. “Who’s there?” she whispered into the darkness, her heart pounding in her chest. Silence followed, but the unease lingered, seeping into her bones.

Emma: (Discovering an old journal in the attic)

Inner thought: Maybe this holds some answers; Dusting off the forgotten journal, Emma’s curiosity was piqued. “Grandmother’s journal,” she read aloud, flipping through the brittle pages. The entries revealed a history of whispers and madness, a chilling parallel to her own experiences. “So, I’m not the first,” she realized, a cold dread settling over her.

Emma: (Reading about her grandmother’s tragic death in the journal)

Inner thought: This can’t be happening to me; Emma’s eyes widened as she read her grandmother’s final, frantic entries. “The whispers drove her to madness,” she whispered, the fear clawing at her sanity. Shadows seemed to flit at the edge of her vision, and she couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched.

Emma: (Whispers becoming more frequent and insistent)

Inner thought: They’re getting louder; The whispers invaded her every thought, speaking of her darkest fears. “Leave me alone!” she cried out, covering her ears in a futile attempt to silence them. The mansion pulsed with a malevolent energy, feeding on her terror.

Emma: (Seeing shadows at the edge of her vision)

Inner thought: Am I losing my mind?; Emma’s breath quickened as she saw a shadow move in the corner of her eye. “It’s just my imagination,” she tried to convince herself, but the whispers told a different story. They knew her secrets, her pain, and they thrived on it.

Emma: (Following clues in the journal to a hidden room behind the library)

Inner thought: This is it, the answers I need; Emma’s hands trembled as she pushed open the hidden door. “What’s in here?” she wondered aloud, stepping into the room filled with relics from her family’s past. The air was thick with an oppressive presence, and at the center stood an ornate, antique mirror.

Emma: (Approaching the antique mirror, whispers growing louder)

Inner thought: This mirror… it’s the source; The whispers crescendoed as Emma neared the mirror, her reflection shifting and changing. “What are you?” she demanded, but the faces of her ancestors twisted in agony were her only response. A cold dread settled over her as she realized the truth.

Emma: (Realizing her family is cursed by a malevolent entity)

Inner thought: This curse must end with me; The entity’s power was palpable, feeding on her fear. “It won’t break me,” she vowed, her resolve hardening. Her reflection mocked her, a sinister smile twisting its features. She knew she had to act before it consumed her.

Emma: (Grabbing the mirror, intending to shatter it)

Inner thought: This ends now; Emma’s grip tightened on the mirror, determined to break the curse. “I won’t let you win,” she whispered, raising the mirror above her head. But the entity’s power surged, pulling her into a nightmarish vision.

Emma: (Experiencing a nightmarish vision of her family’s horrors)

Inner thought: No, I won’t be trapped; The vision engulfed her, showing the torment her family had endured. “I have to fight,” she thought, struggling against the entity’s grip. Her grandmother’s desperate attempt to escape flashed before her eyes, a grim reminder of what was at stake.

Emma: (Breaking free from the vision, hurling the mirror to the ground)

Inner thought: This is for my family; With a surge of strength, Emma shattered the mirror. “Be gone!” she screamed, the shards reflecting the entity’s power in a thousand fragments. The mansion shuddered, as if exhaling a long-held breath.

Emma: (Feeling the weight lift from her shoulders as the whispers cease)

Inner thought: It’s over, finally; Emma stood amidst the broken glass, the silence almost deafening. “I did it,” she whispered, a sense of relief washing over her. The oppressive presence lifted, leaving her feeling lighter than she had in weeks.

Emma: (Turning to leave the hidden room)

Inner thought: Time to leave this place behind; Emma took a deep breath, ready to leave the haunted mansion forever. “It’s over,” she reassured herself, but a sense of unease lingered. As she turned, something caught her eye.

Emma: (Catching a glimpse of her reflection in a broken shard)

Inner thought: What was that?; Emma’s heart skipped a beat as she saw her reflection in one of the shards. “No,” she gasped, the face staring back at her twisted and mocking. The entity’s eyes gleamed with a sinister promise, a reminder that it wasn’t truly gone.

Emma: (Fleeing the mansion, haunted by the whispers)

Inner thought: I have to get out; Emma ran, her footsteps echoing in the silent halls. “I won’t look back,” she vowed, the whispers now a distant memory. But they haunted her dreams, a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurked within her family’s past.

Emma: (Driving away from the mansion, never looking back)

Inner thought: I’m free, but at what cost?; As the mansion disappeared in her rearview mirror, Emma’s thoughts raced. “Will it ever really be over?” she wondered, the entity’s sinister promise echoing in her mind. She knew the curse might still linger, waiting for its next victim.

Emma: (Settling in a new town, trying to move on)

Inner thought: A fresh start, away from the darkness; Emma’s new home felt like a sanctuary, far from the haunted mansion. “I can heal here,” she hoped, but the memories of the entity’s power haunted her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that it was still out there, watching, waiting.

Emma: (Realizing the whispers still haunt her dreams)

Inner thought: I can’t escape it; Even in her new home, the whispers invaded her sleep. “Leave me alone,” she pleaded, but the entity’s presence was relentless. The curse was part of her now, a dark shadow that refused to let go.

Emma: (Determined to find a way to break the curse permanently)

Inner thought: I have to end this for good; Emma’s resolve hardened. “This ends with me,” she swore, determined to find a way to break the curse permanently. The entity’s sinister promise loomed over her, but she knew she couldn’t give up. The fight was far from over.

SUMMARY: Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

Inheriting my family’s mansion was supposed to be a fresh start, but it turned into a nightmare. The whispers in the walls, my grandmother’s journal, and the malevolent entity feeding on our fears revealed a curse that has haunted my family for generations. I discovered a hidden room with an antique mirror, the source of the entity’s power. Shattering the mirror seemed to break the curse, but the entity’s mocking visage in the broken shards proved it wasn’t truly gone. I fled the mansion, but the whispers now haunt my dreams. I’m determined to find a way to break the curse permanently and end this horror for good.



SwornSlayer God
SwornSlayer Diaries Horror Fantasy Focused

The SwornSlayer God serves as the unseen guide and observer of the SwornSlayers. They are the silent witness to the vows made and the quests undertaken.