Hallow Scholar, Short Entry (Dark Fantasy)




Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

(Me: struggling to steady the quill) The quill trembles in my hand as I try to write, my study feels oppressive, and the flickering candlelight casts unsettling shadows. My heart pounds with dread, knowing what lies ahead. Inner thought: The very air conspires against me. (Callback: None)

(Me: recalling the cold mist) I awoke this morning to a cold, penetrating mist seeping through the cracks in the windowpane. The silence was deafening, gnawing at my sanity. (Callback: None)

(Me: studying the Codex) For days, I’ve been absorbed in the Codex of the Forgotten Realms. Legends say it was written by an ancient sorcerer who bargained his soul for forbidden knowledge. Inner thought: My curiosity led me down this dark path. (Callback: None)

(Me: feeling the obsession) My obsession with the Codex began innocently, a scholar’s curiosity. But the deeper I delved, the more reality and nightmare blurred. Inner thought: The line between reality and nightmare began to blur. (Callback: None)

(Me: deciphering the final chapter) Today, I reached the final chapter, “The Summoning.” My heart raced as I deciphered the incantations, feeling an unnatural pull from the words themselves. (Callback: None)

(Me: preparing the ritual) Against my better judgment, I prepared the ritual. Candles lit, symbols drawn, the Codex at the center. Inner thought: Driven by a compulsion I couldn’t resist. (Callback: None)

(Me: chanting the incantations) As I chanted the ancient words, a chill swept through the room. Shadows twisted and writhed, and a low growl echoed, though no creature could be seen. (Callback: None)

(Me: seeing the figure emerge) A blinding light filled the room, and a figure shrouded in darkness emerged. Its eyes, like burning coals, pierced my soul. Inner thought: The malevolence was palpable. (Callback: None)

(Entity: addressing me) “Scholar of the mortal realm, you have summoned me. What is it you seek?” Its voice resonated within my mind, bypassing my ears entirely. (Callback: None)

(Me: responding with fear) I stammered, “Knowledge… I seek the truth of existence, the secrets of the universe.” Inner thought: My voice faltered, fear gripping my heart. (Callback: None)

(Entity: mocking me) The entity laughed, a sound that reverberated through my bones. “Such arrogance. You shall have your truth, but know this: all knowledge comes at a cost.” (Callback: None)

(Entity: inflicting pain) The figure extended a hand, and searing pain shot through my chest. I gasped, clutching my heart, feeling an icy tendril wrap around it. (Callback: None)

(Me: collapsing) The pain intensified, and I fell to my knees. The world spun, and I could barely see as the entity faded. Inner thought: My strength ebbed away. (Callback: None)

(Entity: final words) “Your thirst for knowledge has sealed your fate. The truth you sought will be your undoing.” Its form dissipated into the shadows as I collapsed. (Callback: None)

(Me: warning future readers) As I lie here, breath growing shallow, I realize my folly. To whoever finds this journal, heed my warning: some truths are not meant for mortal minds. Inner thought: May my fate serve as a cautionary tale. (Callback: None)

Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

Today, the Codex of the Forgotten Realms proved its dreadful power. The entity I summoned has claimed its price, and my quest for knowledge has led to my ruin. As the candle burns low, I leave this warning: some truths are better left unknown. May the gods have mercy on my soul.



SwornSlayer God
SwornSlayer Diaries Traditional Fantasy Focused

The SwornSlayer God serves as the unseen guide and observer of the SwornSlayers. They are the silent witness to the vows made and the quests undertaken.