
Vorric: Short Entry Collection 1 (Dark Fantasy)



Journal Entry Type: Main event log

Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

(Vorric: Examining ancient text)

Leaning over the weathered pages of the ancient grimoire, I trace the intricate sigils with a finger. “These symbols… they hold the key,” I murmur, feeling the weight of centuries in each stroke. Inner thought: Each mark pulses with latent power, a promise of the otherworldly force we seek.

(Dalrik: Whispering an incantation)

Dalrik, his voice a gravelly whisper, recites an incantation. “The shadows of the old gods stir, Vorric. Can you feel it?” His eyes glimmer with a sinister fervor. Inner thought: Dalrik’s belief is unwavering, a beacon in our dark quest.

(Vorric: Nodding in agreement)

Nodding, I meet Dalrik’s gaze. “Yes, the air is thick with it.” My voice is barely a whisper, matching the gravity of our endeavor. Inner thought: Doubt gnaws at me, but I cannot falter now.

(Zaryndra: Placing candles)

Zaryndra moves silently, placing candles at precise intervals around our circle. The flames flicker, casting long shadows. Inner thought: Zaryndra’s meticulous nature brings a semblance of order to our chaotic ritual.

(Vorric: Casting a light spell)

Raising my hands, I chant the words of the light spell, drawing from the ancient text. “Lux tenebris vocat,” I intone, feeling the energy coalesce in my palms. Inner thought: This is the moment of contact, the threshold between our world and the abyss.

(Light spell: Forming a glowing orb)

A glowing orb forms between my hands, illuminating the room with an ethereal light. The faces of my fellow cultists are bathed in its unearthly glow. Inner thought: The light reveals more than shadows; it unveils our deepest desires.

(Demon’s Voice: Echoing from the orb)

A voice, deep and resonant, echoes from the orb. “Who dares summon me?” The words reverberate through the chamber, sending a shiver down my spine. Inner thought: This is it, the culmination of our efforts.

(Vorric: Steeling his resolve)

Steeling myself, I step forward. “I am Vorric, seeker of forbidden knowledge. We summon you to grant us power.” My voice trembles, but I press on. Inner thought: Fear and excitement war within me.

(Demon’s Voice: Laughing)

The demon’s laugh is a guttural rumble. “Power, you seek. And what will you offer in return?” The challenge hangs in the air. Inner thought: What indeed can we offer to such a being?

(Dalrik: Offering a pact)

Dalrik steps beside me, his hand outstretched. “We offer our eternal servitude, great one.” His voice is steady, a stark contrast to my own. Inner thought: Dalrik’s devotion is both inspiring and terrifying.

(Demon’s Voice: Considering)

A pause, then the voice speaks again. “Very well. But first, prove your worth.” The light dims slightly, a foreboding sign. Inner thought: A test, of course there would be a test.

(Vorric: Asking about the test)

“What must we do?” I ask, heart pounding. Inner thought: The uncertainty is maddening, but we cannot turn back now.

(Demon’s Voice: Declaring a challenge)

“Summon the spirit of the ancient guardian that watches over this place. Only then will I consider your plea.” The light flares briefly, then fades. Inner thought: Summoning a guardian spirit, a task fraught with peril.

(Zaryndra: Consulting another tome)

Zaryndra retrieves another tome from our collection, flipping through its pages. “The guardian’s summoning requires a blood sacrifice,” she states calmly. Inner thought: Sacrifice is the currency of our dark arts.

(Vorric: Volunteering)

“I will make the sacrifice,” I declare, knowing the weight of my words. Inner thought: The price of power is always high.

(Zaryndra: Preparing the ritual)

Zaryndra begins drawing the summoning circle with meticulous care, using a mixture of herbs and ash. Inner thought: Her precision is our safeguard against failure.

(Vorric: Making the cut)

Taking a ceremonial dagger, I make a shallow cut on my palm, letting the blood drip into the center of the circle. “By this blood, I call thee,” I chant. Inner thought: The pain is a small price for the knowledge we seek.

(Guardian Spirit: Appearing)

A spectral form materializes within the circle, its presence imposing and ancient. “Who disturbs my rest?” it demands, eyes glowing with an inner fire. Inner thought: The guardian is more formidable than I imagined.

(Vorric: Negotiating with the spirit)

“We seek your aid to summon a greater power,” I state, holding my ground despite the spirit’s intimidating aura. Inner thought: Courage is all that stands between us and annihilation.

(Guardian Spirit: Agreeing reluctantly)

“Very well, but know this: the path you tread leads only to ruin.” The spirit’s warning is clear, but it steps aside, allowing us to proceed. Inner thought: The cost of our ambition may be greater than we anticipated.

Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

The light spell tonight was a glimpse into the abyss, a momentary connection with the otherworldly. The demon’s challenge to summon the guardian spirit was a test of our resolve and courage. As the guardian’s words linger in my mind, I sense the enormity of our undertaking. The road ahead is dark and fraught with danger, but we are committed. The guardian’s reluctant agreement sets the stage for our next steps. Tonight, we rest, but tomorrow, the real trial begins.


Journal Entry Type: Main event log

Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

(Vorric: Contemplating the ritual) Staring into the flickering flames of our ritual pyre, I can feel the weight of the decision before me. “To summon the demon, I must become something else,” I whisper to myself. Inner thought: The thought of losing my humanity chills me more than the cold stone beneath my feet.

(Dalrik: Handing over the transformation elixir) Dalrik hands me a vial of dark, viscous liquid. “This elixir will begin your transformation, Vorric. Are you ready?” His voice is solemn, eyes reflecting the firelight. Inner thought: Dalrik’s unwavering support is both comforting and harrowing.

(Vorric: Holding the elixir) I grip the vial tightly, feeling the glass cool against my skin. “This is the price we must pay,” I say, more to convince myself than anyone else. Inner thought: Each beat of my heart echoes with doubt and determination.

(Zaryndra: Lighting incense) Zaryndra lights incense, the acrid smoke curling around us. “The path to power is rarely without sacrifice,” she intones. Inner thought: Her words, a reminder of our shared ambition, fortify my resolve.

(Vorric: Drinking the elixir) With a deep breath, I uncork the vial and drink. The liquid burns down my throat, filling me with a searing heat. “For the greater power,” I chant, voice breaking. Inner thought: The pain is excruciating, but I hold on, knowing this is the first step.

(Elixir: Taking effect) My vision blurs, and I collapse to my knees. “It’s happening,” I manage to gasp. Inner thought: My body feels like it’s being torn apart and remade.

(Vorric: Embracing the change) Fighting through the agony, I force myself to stand. “I accept this transformation,” I declare, the words tasting of blood and fire. Inner thought: The echoes of my humanity cling desperately, but they are slipping away.

(Dalrik: Chanting an incantation) Dalrik begins chanting, his voice a low, resonant hum. “Fiend of the shadows, hear our call. Accept this vessel, and grant us your power.” Inner thought: The room pulses with dark energy, aligning with the rhythm of Dalrik’s words.

(Vorric: Feeling the demonic energy) A surge of raw, demonic energy floods my veins, reshaping me. “I can feel it,” I choke out. Inner thought: The power is intoxicating, a dark promise of what is to come.

(Zaryndra: Assuring Vorric) Zaryndra steps closer, her eyes unwavering. “You are becoming what we need, Vorric. The sacrifice will not be in vain.” Inner thought: Her faith in me strengthens my resolve, even as my humanity fades.

(Vorric: Final acceptance) As the transformation completes, I look at my hands, now clawed and marked with dark runes. “I am ready,” I say, voice deeper, resonant with fiendish power. Inner thought: I have crossed the threshold; there is no turning back.

(Vorric: Summoning the demon) Raising my arms, I channel the newfound power within me. “By the pact we have forged, I summon thee, great demon of the abyss!” The air crackles with anticipation. Inner thought: The moment of truth has arrived, and with it, our destiny.

Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

Tonight, I have crossed into the realm of fiends, my humanity sacrificed for the greater goal of summoning the demon. The elixir’s transformation was agonizing, but the power it has bestowed upon me is undeniable. Dalrik and Zaryndra’s unwavering support has been my anchor, guiding me through this harrowing process. As I stand on the precipice of our dark ambition, I feel both loss and gain. The demon awaits, and with it, the culmination of our quest. Tomorrow, we will see if this sacrifice was truly worth the power we seek.


Journal Entry Type: Main event log

Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

(Vorric: Summoning the demon) Raising my arms, the dark runes on my skin glow ominously. “By the pact we have forged, I summon thee, great demon of the abyss!” I chant, the air crackling with dark energy. Inner thought: The moment of truth, our ultimate gamble.

(Demon: Emerging from the abyss) A rift tears open in the air, and the demon emerges, towering and wreathed in shadows. “Who dares summon me?” it roars, eyes blazing with infernal fire. Inner thought: The power radiating from it is overwhelming, but my resolve is steeled.

(Vorric: Revealing his true plan) With a wicked grin, I unveil a hidden grimoire. “I summon you not for servitude, but for conquest,” I declare. “By this forbidden spell, your power shall become mine!” Inner thought: The shocked faces of Dalrik and Zaryndra fuel my dark ambition.

(Demon: Laughing menacingly) The demon’s laughter shakes the chamber. “You, a mere mortal, dare to challenge me? You will regret this folly!” it sneers. Inner thought: Let it underestimate me; it will be its downfall.

(Vorric: Initiating the forbidden spell) I begin chanting the forbidden incantation, the words twisting in the air like dark serpents. “By the blood of the fallen, by the souls of the damned…” Inner thought: The spell requires sacrifices, and I am prepared to pay the price.

(Demon: Launching a fireball) The demon hurls a massive fireball at me. “Burn in the fires of the abyss!” it bellows. Inner thought: This is just the beginning of our battle.

(Vorric: Dodging the fireball) I roll to the side, the fireball exploding against the stone wall behind me. “You’ll have to do better than that!” I taunt, feeling the heat singe my skin. Inner thought: Every move must be precise, every action deliberate.

(Dalrik: Realizing the betrayal) Dalrik’s eyes widen in horror. “Vorric, what are you doing? This wasn’t part of the plan!” he shouts, reaching for his weapon. Inner thought: His loyalty is expendable; the spell requires blood.

(Vorric: Sacrificing Dalrik) With a swift motion, I plunge my dagger into Dalrik’s heart. “Your death serves a greater purpose,” I whisper, watching the life drain from his eyes. Inner thought: One down, more to go.

(Zaryndra: Attempting to flee) Zaryndra backs away, fear etched on her face. “You’ve lost your mind, Vorric!” she cries, turning to run. Inner thought: No one escapes this night.

(Vorric: Immobilizing Zaryndra with a spell) I cast a binding spell, dark tendrils wrapping around Zaryndra, holding her in place. “Your blood will complete the ritual,” I say coldly. Inner thought: The spell’s power surges with each sacrifice.

(Demon: Casting a shadow bolt) The demon unleashes a bolt of shadow energy, aiming directly at me. “Die, mortal!” it snarls. Inner thought: Its attacks grow more desperate, sensing the shift in power.

(Vorric: Blocking the shadow bolt) Raising a barrier of dark energy, I deflect the shadow bolt. “Your powers are mine to command!” I shout, feeling the spell nearing completion. Inner thought: Each block drains me, but I must persevere.

(Vorric: Sacrificing Zaryndra) Driving the dagger into Zaryndra’s heart, I complete the second sacrifice. “By the blood of the willing and unwilling,” I chant, her blood mingling with Dalrik’s. Inner thought: The ritual circle glows, the power tangible.

(Demon: Summoning hellhounds) The demon calls forth hellhounds, their eyes burning with malevolence. “Tear him apart!” it commands. Inner thought: More obstacles, but they will fall like the rest.

(Vorric: Conjuring a firestorm) Channeling the dark energy, I summon a firestorm, incinerating the hellhounds in a blaze of infernal fire. “You’ll need stronger minions,” I sneer. Inner thought: The power within me grows, feeding off the sacrifices.

(Demon: Charging at Vorric) The demon charges, claws outstretched, aiming to rip me apart. “I will end you myself!” it roars. Inner thought: A direct attack; its desperation shows.

(Vorric: Evading and countering) I sidestep the demon’s charge, slashing at its side with a blade of dark energy. “You are already too late,” I taunt, feeling the blade connect. Inner thought: Each strike weakens it, brings me closer to victory.

(Demon: Recoiling in pain) The demon recoils, black ichor oozing from the wound. “Impossible!” it growls, its rage palpable. Inner thought: The forbidden spell’s power is undeniable.

(Vorric: Finalizing the spell) Holding the grimoire aloft, I chant the final words. “By the pact of blood and darkness, I consume thee!” The air vibrates with raw energy. Inner thought: This is the culmination of my ambition.

(Demon: Attempting to resist) The demon thrashes, attempting to break free from the spell’s grasp. “I will not be enslaved!” it roars, eyes blazing. Inner thought: Its struggle only fuels the spell’s potency.

(Vorric: Absorbing the demon’s power) A vortex of dark energy envelops us, the demon’s power flowing into me. “Yes, give in to the darkness,” I whisper, feeling the surge of immense power. Inner thought: The transformation is almost complete.

(Vorric: Consuming the demon) The demon’s form disintegrates, its essence merging with mine. “I am the new lord of the abyss,” I declare, my voice echoing with demonic resonance. Inner thought: The power, the strength, it is intoxicating.

(Vorric: Transformed into a demon lord) My body morphs, horns sprouting, wings unfurling. “Bow before your new master,” I command, my presence exuding dark authority. Inner thought: The world will tremble before me.

(Vorric: Surveying the aftermath) Looking around the chamber, the remains of my former cult members lie scattered. “Their sacrifices were necessary,” I muse, a cold satisfaction settling in. Inner thought: This is only the beginning of my reign.

Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

The demon is no more, its essence now coursing through my veins. The forbidden spell has granted me the power of a demon lord, a transformation born of blood and ambition. Dalrik and Zaryndra’s sacrifices were a means to an end, their loyalty repaid with the ultimate price. As I stand in the aftermath of our ritual, I feel an overwhelming sense of power and purpose. The path ahead is clear: domination, control, and the realization of our darkest dreams. Tomorrow, the world will witness the rise of a new lord of the abyss. The game has only just begun.



SwornSlayer God
SwornSlayer Diaries Traditional Fantasy Focused

The SwornSlayer God serves as the unseen guide and observer of the SwornSlayers. They are the silent witness to the vows made and the quests undertaken.