SwornSlayer Diaries: Psychedelic Space Marine (Psychedelic Scifi Short)


Dear SwornSlayer Diary :

Marine: (Blasting off into neon-colored space, chasing elusive alien signals)

Inner thought: The colors are so vivid, so alive; the marine grips the controls, eyes wide. “What am I seeing?” Reality seems to bend and twist around the spacecraft, each star a pulsating rhythm in the cosmic dance.

Alien: (Materializing in the cockpit, shimmering and translucent)

Inner thought: They found me; the marine reaches for the blaster. “Identify yourself!” The alien’s form shifts, colors swirling in mesmerizing patterns. “We mean no harm,” it whispers.

Marine: (Attempting communication, mind expanding with alien’s telepathy)

Inner thought: This connection is overwhelming; the marine’s thoughts meld with the alien’s. “Show me your world,” he thinks, unable to resist the pull. Images flood his mind, revealing a kaleidoscope of surreal landscapes.

Alien: (Transporting both to a psychedelic planet, flora glowing)

Inner thought: This is incredible; the marine steps onto the vibrant soil. “Is this real?” Each step sends ripples of color through the ground. The alien guides him, revealing ancient secrets hidden in the luminescent foliage.

Marine: (Exploring, senses heightened, reality blurring)

Inner thought: I must understand this place; he examines a glowing plant. “What is the source of this light?” The plant responds, tendrils reaching out, sharing its energy. “I can feel it,” he marvels.

Alien: (Revealing a hidden city, pulsating with life and energy)

Inner thought: This city is alive; the marine is awestruck. “How did you build this?” The alien explains through thoughts, sharing memories of a civilization that transcended physical form. “We are one with the universe,” it says.

Marine: (Experiencing visions of the alien’s past, future)

Inner thought: Their knowledge is vast; the marine sees wars, peace, evolution. “What can I learn from this?” He feels a deep connection to the alien’s history, understanding their journey. “We are not so different,” he realizes.

Alien: (Offering the marine a choice: stay or return)

Inner thought: I could live here forever; he hesitates. “But what about my world?” The alien’s eyes, a swirling mix of colors, seem to convey endless possibilities. “You can choose your reality,” it tells him.

Marine: (Deciding to return, carrying newfound wisdom)

Inner thought: I must share this; he takes one last look at the psychedelic world. “I will come back,” he promises. The alien nods, understanding the marine’s need to spread this enlightenment.

Alien: (Sending the marine back with a gift: a glowing crystal)

Inner thought: This will be my beacon; the marine clutches the crystal. “Thank you,” he says, feeling the warmth of the alien’s bond. “This is just the beginning,” the alien replies.

Marine: (Re-entering his ship, setting coordinates for home)

Inner thought: I am changed; he feels the crystal’s energy. “This will guide me,” he thinks, as the ship’s engines roar to life. The journey back feels surreal, the colors of space more vivid than ever.

Home Planet: (Welcoming the marine, oblivious to his transformation)

Inner thought: They won’t understand; he steps onto familiar soil, the crystal glowing softly in his hand. “I have so much to tell,” he thinks, but the mundane surroundings seem dull in comparison.

Marine: (Trying to explain his experience, met with skepticism)

Inner thought: They can’t see it; he recounts the psychedelic journey. “You’re imagining things,” they say. Frustration builds, the vibrant memories clashing with their disbelief. “It’s real,” he insists, but doubts linger in their eyes.

Crystal: (Starting to fade, losing its glow)

Inner thought: No, not now; panic sets in. “I need to keep it alive,” he thinks, but the crystal dims with each passing moment. The connection to the alien world weakens, slipping through his fingers.

Marine: (Desperately searching for a way to recharge the crystal)

Inner thought: There must be a way; he scours his ship, his surroundings. “I can’t lose this,” he mutters, the urgency growing. The crystal’s light flickers, a reminder of the fleeting nature of his experience.

Marine: (Realizing the crystal needs the alien world’s energy)

Inner thought: I must go back; determination surges. “I will return,” he vows, preparing the ship for another journey. The coordinates are set, the engines hum, but something feels off.

Ship: (Malfunctioning, preventing the marine from leaving)

Inner thought: Not now; he battles the controls. “Come on, work!” The ship resists, systems failing one by one. Desperation mounts as he realizes the gravity of his predicament. “I can’t be stuck here,” he pleads.

Marine: (Attempting to fix the ship, frustration boiling over)

Inner thought: I need to get back; his hands move frantically. “Why won’t it work?” The ship’s stubborn silence is maddening. The crystal’s light is almost gone, a dying ember of hope.

Crystal: (Dimming to darkness, the connection severed)

Inner thought: It’s over; defeat washes over him. “I failed,” he thinks, sinking to the floor. The vibrant memories feel distant, almost dreamlike. “Was it real?” Doubt creeps in, the alien world slipping away.

Marine: (Accepting the mundane reality, the psychedelic journey a fading memory)

Inner thought: I will never forget; he stands, the ship silent around him. “I tried,” he whispers, the weight of normalcy settling in. The crystal, now just a stone, is a reminder of what was. “Maybe someday,” he hopes, but for now, reality is all that remains.



SwornSlayer God
SwornSlayer  Diaries Blended Fantasy Focused

The SwornSlayer God serves as the unseen guide and observer of the SwornSlayers. They are the silent witness to the vows made and the quests undertaken.