Gbolahan Ethan Onadeko
Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2019

Stellar is a platform that connects banks, payments systems, and people. Integrate to move money quickly, reliably, and at almost no cost. At SwPlug we want to make it easy for merchant , e-commerce and business owners to accept crypto payment easy , We have been able to do that on Wordpress with WooCommerce and you can check a demo of that here or download the plugin.


By 2019 Q4 we plan to have added an Opencart and PrestaShop payment plugin version to SwPlug.

What about Simple and Static websites :

There are about 1.8 billion web sites and millions of these website are static simple html type of website who are looking to accept crypto payment now or in the nearest future . What we have done is to create a simple payment widget form which anybody can generate for what they are selling and accept crypto value real time at market price USD/XLM.

How does it work :

You would have to visit the SwPlug Widget

You will fill the required fields which includes

  • Product Name: name of what you are selling. eg : Platinum ticket.
  • Your Email : This is where confirmation email is sent to after a payment is made .
  • Wallet Address : This is your stellar public Key eg : GAQ56JB7US77DWHZWIARX4HQKYQFV4SQOKOB26TMFOHJ7VJKUJSWPLUG
  • DURATION : we advise you stick between 250–300 , that a lot of time to copy wallet address and memo for buyer to make payment
  • SELECT CURRENCY : For now we will only allow charge in xlm .
  • SELECT FORM FIELD : Email field is compulsory as it is needed for the buyer to receive payment details also as proof of payment. you can select other fields or create custom ones to meet wide range of your usage.

Add the price in USD and click the convert button to check the rate in xlm . note : This rate would change as XLM is not a stable coin and the going rate changes.

Hit the Generate Code button and you will get something that looks like the below image.

Add the generated code to your website

When the user click Checkout button , a pop up will like below will show up

User clicks on NEXT and and would get a form with the field details the Seller requires for the product .an example shown below.

User would fill the form above and click Get Memo and would get a generated set of alphanumeric which would be added to the payment being made, we set our timer to 300seconds

Once the countdown runs to zero it will verify the payment you will get a page like below

Payment details will be sent to both Buyer and Seller and would look like this.

That is how easy it is to accept Stellar lumens on your website .

