Swytch October Update- Prepping for V1 software release

Dwight Sproull
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2018
Blockchain Shift Miami

Swytch has chosen a strategy that may seem odd compared to many blockchain projects; we decided to actually build our product after we finished the token allocation event back in July rather than breathlessly talking about building it. Our team has been diligently working since late last year on the software, and has continued to make progress with the help of our technology partners and the informative experience we’ve had with our pilot programs. On November 1st we are launching V1 of our software, and the technical documentation will follow soon afterwards. This is a huge milestone, and we’re looking forward to iterating and improving our software to meet the needs of our users and make Swytch the best solution for incentivizing sustainable behavior.

In the news

  • Swytch announced a partnership with Ben.co to enable seamless adoption of the Swytch token. You can read about the partnership here
  • Evan won the 2018 Block Talk Award for Top Social Entrepreneur
  • Evan was a guest on two podcasts: Smart Grid Today and Energy Cast
  • Swytch was mentioned in a Greentech Media article about top blockchain partnerships to watch
  • An article about Swytch was published on the Xtrabytes blog
  • Evan will be speaking at World Crypto Con in Las Vegas Friday, Nov 2 (1:15–1:40pm)
Jay Dauenhauer, host of Energy Cast

What has the rest of the team been up to?

  • Peter attended the Microgrid Summit and Verge 2018 on Oct 17th on behalf of Swytch
  • Dev team has been working hard to finish the testing and cleanup of V1 of Swytch’s software
  • Luke and Eric went to the Miami Blockcon Shift conference
  • Community team has been developing an outreach plan for getting grass roots environmental organizations to promote the adoption of Swytch

Evan spoke at and attended the following events:

  • Impact Investment Summit in Las Vegas
  • Blockcon Santa Monica
  • Reed Smith Energy Conference Houston
  • World Blockchain Vegas

Thanks for reading, please follow us on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter to get more frequent updates and take part in our community!



Dwight Sproull

Blockchain enthusiast, metalhead, video game lover, rpg aficionado