Tails Over Humans
I love my dogs more than everyone I’ve ever met and I’m tired of pretending I don’t.
In 2012, Fiona Apple wrote a letter to her fans cancelling her South American tour because her dog was dying.
I didn’t have to read it to know why the letter was four pages long. There are those of us who get it — and by “it” I mean prioritizing animals over people, over obligations, over travel, over our own health (financial and otherwise), over anything, really — and there are the people who don’t. Fiona, squarely in the first camp of animal lovers, was trying to explain herself to the psychopaths in the second camp.
These two camps have never understood each other. This would be fine, except somehow Team Psycho has pulled a sick party trick, making the animal lovers believe they must constantly explain themselves: why we back out of obligations when our animals are sick, why we don’t spend a month out of town, why we drop thousands of dollars on emergency vet care.
I submit it should be the other way around, but it’s never the other way around because this dynamic is so firmly entrenched in contemporary life. A few days ago I was on the phone with one of the self-admitted psychos, who was tired of hearing my dog Fish bark every time we spoke on the phone…