Data Lab

Sydney Williams
Sydney’s Online Portfolio
1 min readOct 7, 2019

Write a one-paragraph description of your chart. Answer the following questions: What does it say? AND What does it mean?

My chart was the trend between censorship on Instagram and Twitter. This chart shows me that Twitter has more censorship than Instagram, which didn’t surprised me. However, Instagram’s censorship exceeded Twitter in the last month. That shows be that Instagram is taking more precautions to whats being posted on their app but is it the right precautions, probably not.

Why does your brain prefer one proportion over another? How do charts and graphs help us see the answer more clearly?

I think my brain prefers the on the left because there is a whole number instead of decimals, so it makes it easier to understand. I also like that proportion because I would rather have the larger number than the smaller number, which is why the students prefer 160 out of 200.

Josh Rosen is kinda bad at being a quarterback, and Drew Brees is a little better at it. Brees’ QBR, Comp. percentage, and touchdowns are significantly higher than Rosen. However, Rosen has more sacks and interceptions.

