Prevention Before the Pain (Argumentative)

Sydney Rice
Mental Health
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2018

Kids are taught from a young age to wash their hands and other things to prevent them from getting sick, so why aren’t they taught about brain health?If children started learning how to take care of their mental health starting in kindergarten then by the time they need the skills to help they will have those skills. They will know how to handle stressful situations and situations where there emotional stability is tested. It’s time to make a change we are losing to many young people to mental illnesses. To many friends, to many family members, coworkers, boyfriends, girlfriend, just to many. Talking about these scary things with kids is difficult but isn’t talking to them now about how to protect their brain easier than losing them later. We need to teach and learn to respect the invisible illnesses. Education makes you powerful and to defeat mental illness we need power over them. Prevention needs to start before it gets to a point where they are already effected and high school is just to late. By the time kids get to high school they have been affected in someway. The flu is less deadly than depression so why is teaching how to prevent the flu taking priority over depression and other mental illnesses. Suicided is the second leading cause of death in young adults so why isn’t there more of a conversation about how to change that. It’s time to to teach more than washing your hands, it’s time for mental illness to take priority.

