They are More Than Their Illness

Sydney Rice
Mental Health
Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2018

When a person is diagnosed with any sort of illness, cancer, the flu, or depression they might feel as if they are a slave to what their illness demands. At times they may feel they are their illness takes over who they are but they are more than their illness. Just because someone has depression, anxiety, or even schizophrenia doesn’t mean they don’t have parts of them that have nothing to do with the illness. Some people with depression are the funniest people you will ever meet and some people with anxiety can be the smartest people you will ever meet. Mental illness doesn’t define a person, their personality or their aspirations. Just like your house and car don’t define who you are their illness doesn’t either. So remember these things when you start to judge someone or only thinking of them as the person with this illness or that illness.

