Announcing the Singularity Webinar Program

Ian Lumb


TL;DR: Sylabs is sponsoring a quarterly webinar program focused on Singularity and the container ecosystem. The first webinar emphasizes three services to accelerate container adoption and use — a library, a keystore and a remote builder. Webinar details here.

When it comes to Singularity, there’s a plethora of excellent content already available. Created and shared by the user, developer, and provider community, this content already covers the software itself as well as its ecosystem. As one compelling proof point, we submit the video playlist from the inaugural meeting of the Singularity User Group (SUG); held in March 2019 at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), the breadth and depth of the topics presented was truly impressive — and, of course, one of the reasons we’ve been sharing those presentations online after the event.

Despite the availability of existing content of excellent quality, and the promise of future events like SUG, we believe there remains the need for a platform that’ll allow us to share and discuss content in a timely fashion — within the existing Singularity community and beyond. Intended to serve as an online complement to events such as SUG then, the webinar format will be employed with a quarterly cadence in this new outreach initiative sponsored by Sylabs.

Our first webinar, Ensuring Successful Production Deployments of Singularity with Sylabs’ Container Services, is already taking shape in a very tangible way. Sylabs Solutions Architect Randy Herban will introduce the suite of ancillary services intended to support production deployments of Singularity — namely the container library plus key signing/verification service, along with the means to create containers in a safe way via a remote-build service. Randy’s the ideal presenter for this webinar, as he’s been working with our early adopters who seek to self-host this triad of services — on premise or via a private cloud of some fashion. Well informed through actual experiences with our current customers, Randy promises that this webinar will feature a combination of presentations and demonstrations. To sign up for this webinar, and indeed the program, please click here.

To ensure that this webinar program remains vibrant, relevant, and topical, we are hoping to engage the already enthusiastic and energetic Singularity community — not only for feedback, but for their participation as potential contributors. Although we have many ideas for future webinars, we’d love to hear from you.

Over the upcoming weeks we look forward to your response to the program in general, as well as our first session on container services. Over the longer term, we look forward to your engagement on a deeper level. Although you can connect with us in various ways, a #webinars specific channel over on the Singularity Slack channel is likely the best way to get your ideas out to the community — so that we can further discuss and shape these into future sessions.

