SylLab Systems
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2021


Privacy-by-Design with SylLab API

Privacy is difficult for software developers. Several legal and contractual aspects are essential for a product launch. In many instances, the product is just about to go public when compliance becomes an issue, which can be catastrophic for the product. Trying to comply with the privacy frameworks after developers have delivered the software can be very costly.

An alternative approach to dealing with compliance at the end of the product development is delivering software products with privacy and security by design, which is a difficult task that requires assembling a team of experts to go through case studies and various scenarios. Lawyers are not part of software development. The laws and guidelines written by the legislature are hard to navigate through a regular product development cycle. Whether scrum or waterfall is applied, privacy often becomes the white elephant in the room. Encrypting users’ data is a must under new privacy regulations and central to many legal frameworks. Telemedicine organizations have a wall to climb when it comes to privacy laws. HIPAA, for that instance, leans toward encryption to secure users’ data.

That is why we have created the first API that helps developers to build software with privacy-by-design. SylLab offloads the burden of implementing encryption and securing users’ information. The API is a one-stop service for building software with well-implemented encryption. Whether building a telemedicine platform or consumer-facing applications, encryption and cryptographic key management will become a security milestone. Check SylLab Encryption API at Rapid API and SylLab website to learn more.

Privacy-by-Design can not only help with on-time delivery but also increase brand awareness. Customers are becoming more aware of the security and privacy of their data. Building trust with consumers is also an essential aspect of software development.



SylLab Systems
Editor for

Bart Slowik, technologist and entrepreneur. Founder of SylLab Systems, cybersecurity company based in San Francisco, CA.