Novelty in the Time of Coronavirus

Daniel Zhang
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2020

Boredom and freneticism arrive hand-in-hand when you’re stuck in one place for too long. As the Syllable team put in long hours, we were reminded to make time for newness, or at least variety.

March 18, 12:42 PM

Shelter-in-place wellness tip #2 from your friendly neighborhood Chief Medical Officer

Change your activity at least once an hour.

Think of something that you have been meaning to do but haven’t taken the time to do because you are too busy! Make it a small thing, something that will take less than 5 min to achieve, but done repetitively will add up to something very positive by the time this is all over.

For me, I am doing 15 push ups and 30 sit ups every hour. Benefits my measly triceps and abs!

Sylla-pet (2 of ?) is playing boll and borking every hour 🐶

Other ideas:

  1. Walk around the block
  2. Practice balancing — stand on one leg for a minute at a time
  3. Knit
  4. Step away from the computer and journal the old fashion way…paper and pen
  5. Stand outside and check out that Spring has sprung
  6. Burpees! Everyone’s favorite!
  7. Close your eyes and breathe
  8. Hang out with your pets

Whatever floats your boat that isn’t work and isn’t sitting in front of your computer. If you can do this 7 times today, you have started to create a habit!

Some things Syllable team members are doing:

  • Learning how a latte machine works (incidentally, this team member reported their coffee machine being “still broken” a few days later)
  • Not burpees
  • Meditating

Thank you for reading. We wish you health and happiness.

Check out Syllable and how we’re helping hospitals respond to COVID-19.

