Airdrop Is Coming…!

Shaan Bhattacharya
4 min readSep 19, 2018


Learn how to participate and qualify for the Sylo Airdrop.

With the Sylo Airdrop around the corner, it’s time to learn what you need to do in order to make the most out of it.

Most readers here will likely already know what an Airdrop is (hint: it’s got nothing to do with apples!) but if you don’t, take a look at this article here.

For those already in the know, the question may be, ‘Why Airdrop at all?’

Well here at Sylo we have our reasons, and it’s not the one you might expect.

For most companies, an Airdrop is great for creating promotional buzz in the market, but what we really want to know is, are YOU with US?

Through our Airdrop, we hope to identify an army of early-adopters who believe in our vision.

We want to form a long-lasting relationship with you, we’ll even acknowledge your ongoing loyalty through certain rewards as we can.

Does this sound appealing?

Then WE want YOU.

Only genuinely interested folks and Sylo loyalists need apply.

Here’s what you need to know to take part.

How to participate?

Taking part is easy — just visit and hit ‘Register’.
After registering, the page will then redirect you to the Token Generation Event (TGE) App page.
Follow the required steps here to complete the registration process.
Then, bingo — you are a participant!

Next, you’ll find out if you’ve qualified…

How to qualify?

1. For the Sylo Token Sale

Once you have completed the registration process, your KYC/AML application will be carefully reviewed by our verification partner Blockhaus.
Within 1–7 days, you will be contacted via email to advise if the application has been approved, declined, or if you need to provide any other information.
Having your application approved means you can then buy Sylo tokens in the token sale. Congrats!

2. For the Airdrop

To qualify for the Airdrop, the process is very similar.
First, go through the KYC/AML application as described above.
Next, in addition to this process, make sure you’ve completed the below.

a. Register for the main sale at least seven days before the event kick off (Main sale = 18 October, 2018).

This is a must to ensure you don’t miss out.

Put it in your calendar — our token event will begin on 18 October, 2018!

b. Join our Telegram community and drop us a hello message with the hashtag — #SyloTGE
This is the most direct channel for communicating with our team and receiving up to the minute information regarding our main sale.

If you’ve ticked off the tasks above, then sit back and relax — you are qualified for our Airdrop!

We’ll be in touch with details on the Airdrop after our main sale is completed.

A Cherry on top

Want to make your Airdrop experience even sweeter?

All you have to do is invite your friends to participate in the pre-registration process, and the rewards will just get better — you will receive a personal referral code to share when you sign up.

Now, some serious stuff.

A few of you must be thinking, ‘What the heck is KYC/AML?!’

It’s an essential part of the registration process. Here’s why…

What is KYC/AML?

Like I mentioned earlier, what we want is to build an army of early-adopters for Sylo, who share our vision of a decentralised future.

But the question is, how do we separate genuine enthusiasts from the rest.

Enter, the KYC/AML…

KYC or Know Your Customer is a process that financial institutions and other regulated companies go through, to determine relevant information regarding their clients, for the purpose of doing business with them. This term is also used to refer to the bank regulation that governs these activities.

KYC processes are also employed by companies of almost all sizes to ensure ‘anti-bribery compliance’ of their proposed partners (e.g. agents, consultants, distributors).

In fact, banks, insurers, export credit agencies etc., are increasingly demanding that customers provide detailed anti-corruption due diligence information to them, in order to verify their integrity.

AML or Anti-Money Laundering is a set of procedures, laws or regulations designed to stop the practice of generating income through illegal actions.

Most commonly, money-launderers hide their actions through a series of steps that make it look like money coming from illegal or unethical sources is actually earned legitimately.

To stop such stunts, in the case of KYC, financial institutions and other regulated companies are also responsible for the implementation of internal AML policies.

In a nut-shell, the KYC/AML processes help ensure that people who take part in our token event are legitimate and have the best of intentions to truly be a part of this project.

If you want to learn more about KYC/AML, feel free to go through this note. It’s quite an interesting subject!

By now you should have a fair understanding about the registration process, and how to go about it.

Our Token Event and Airdrop are just the beginning…

If you still have questions or queries, please do get in touch.

We are just a click away; give us a shout on Telegram now.

