Get to know: Scott Twiname

Anabela Rea
3 min readNov 2, 2018


Our other Senior Engineer here at Sylo loves Mexican food and mountain biking. Meet Scott…

Tell us a bit about your career to date…

I got a BSc in Computer Science at Auckland Uni and I then went to work at an animation studio developing pipeline tools and plugins. Since then I’e been working at Sylo for the past five years.

How have things changed in the five years you’ve been at Sylo?

Almost everything has changed.

I’m now the longest standing developer. The team has grown from 3 to X (or whatever we are at now!).

The product has changed over and over again; we were originally building a desktop application in unity, now we are building for a mobile-first world in react-native.

One thing that has stayed the same, is the company’s desire to build decentralised communication.

Which part of your job is the most fun?

Learning, there is always something new to learn, either by stumbling upon it, solving a problem, or teaching someone else something new

And what part/s do you find most challenging?

How much we have going on. There are so many great ideas floating around.

It’s hard to find time to act on them or plan them all out.

Describe your working style…

Fast? There’s always so much to do and little time.

I have to be able to switch what I’m doing at any time.

Where’s your hometown and what’s it like?

Auckland city. It’s a big sprawling mess.

What book should every person read?

I’m not much of a book person but this blog series is one of the most interesting reads I’ve come across.

If you had to eat the same food every day for a year, what would it be?

Mexican food, mostly burritos.

What would you be doing if you weren’t working at Sylo?

Probably just some code monkey somewhere else. I would have liked to be in the game or movie industry.

Share a secret talent…

I never set an alarm. I somehow manage to wake up when I tell myself to.

Describe your perfect day off.

Mountain biking, beach and craft beer.

Fill in the blank: ‘If you really knew me, you’d know_____…’

a really awesome person.

Tune in next week to meet another member of the Sylo team!

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Anabela Rea

High Priestess of Lore / Head of Content & PR at the Seekers & Sylo