What The #&*% Does ‘HODL’ Mean?

Diego Kuplich
3 min readAug 10, 2018

‘HODL’, ‘FOMO’, ‘Whale’, ‘Protocol’, ‘PoS’, blah, blah, blah… Sound familiar? But, at the same time, no idea what they mean? Well, you are not the only one! In this ever-changing, fast-paced world of Crypto and Blockchain, we keep seeing a new term popping up almost every week, making it a challenge to keep up with what they all mean!

But, if you are a crypto enthusiast, you also can’t ignore these terms completely. Can you? So, as a result either you have to hunt down their definitions on the internet or, you try to guesstimate the meaning, by reading the rest of the sentence. But, that too doesn’t work all the time. To give you an example, I recently noticed in one of the telegram groups a post that read, “Join the Trollbox now!”, which in the first instance seemed to me that they were taking a jab at the company, because until then, I knew only about ‘Trolling’, which means “making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee-jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument.”

But, on second thought it didn’t make sense to me, since it looked like a promotional link. So, I thought, “why would somebody mock a company that was paying them for promotions?” So I dug deeper, and to my surprise discovered that ‘Trollbox’ actually have a different meaning, which has no connection to the term ‘trolling’ whatsoever! It actually means, “Any integrated chat feature on a website, specifically exchanges, auctions and finance type websites, where users may discuss topics in real time, between themselves and members of the company.” There you go! Makes complete sense now, right, as to what they actually meant by ‘Join the Trollbox now.’? This is when I thought, I needed to educate myself more on these terms.

However, a couple of days ago a colleague of mine walked up to me and asked, “What do you mean by ‘FUDing’ mate? I keep seeing that on Telegram every now-and-then!” Thankfully, I had an answer to that but, we realised there’s definitely room for some schooling, not just for the newbies in the crypto space, but also for people like us, who are working and participating in this industry. And that led us to the idea of doing ‘Term of The Day’!

Term of The Day??

In a sentence, over the coming weeks and months, we'll be posting about these popular crypto and blockchain terms on our Telegram Group and across our social channels, giving you the 101 break-down on them. But, there’s more to it! We have noticed that few of those terms, like ‘Protocol’, ‘Ecosystem’ etc. change slightly from their regular definitions, based on the project they are used in. That’s why we thought it would be even better to educate the community not just about these terms, but also about how some of them differ slightly in their usages, on a project-by-project basis.

So, go ahead and be a part of the Sylo Telegram Group, to unravel the mysteries around these terms. We’ll post them time-to-time, so that you can keep up with the industry jargons!

Feel free to let us know in the comments section (or in our Telegram!) if you would like us to cover any particular terms that are bugging you. Happy learning!

