How Rights for Rivers Quickly Turn Around Wasteful Economies Now

The shift is happening

Desiree Driesenaar
Published in
8 min readJun 22, 2023


Philadelphia — picture: David Mark via Pixabay

After working 30+ years in the environmental field, I finally see some light at the end of the tunnel. The world is shifting. I want to show you the good news.

What are the most promising shifts I see in the world?

  • from economies of scale to economies of scope
  • rights for rivers and lakes
  • Web3 (the new internet structure)
  • Superformula math (2003)

I would really appreciate it if in the comments you share the good news from your area. I’m collecting good examples for our ESG Academy. Via online labs every Monday, we are helping areas to adapt good solutions to their climate zones and cultures.

Success is dependent on local climate and culture, you know.

We can’t go around throwing buzzwords over the wall and expect people to understand what we mean and get on with making it happen. Explaining our planet and fair and healthy economic design is very necessary.

Everything in our human systems is a design. And we can change our designs. We’re clever enough for that!

