What are Symblox Advantages?

Published in
1 min readMay 14, 2021

Let’s talk about the things our project excels at! Well, advantages of Symblox are all listed on our website, but why not make it a little more succinct? Here we go:

Symblox supports various crypto assets as collateral, thereby avoiding systemic risks caused by price volatility in a single collateralized asset and providing the scalability for the issuance of trillions of dollars worth of both crypto and real-world assets on the protocol.

The goal of Symblox is to become an integral part of the infrastructure for DeFi; allowing anyone, anywhere to gain on-chain exposure to a vast array of assets.

Symblox is a fully decentralized synthetic asset protocol implemented entirely with smart contracts and runs on the blockchain altogether. It is not subject to manipulation by any individual or organization.

Symblox is 100% permissionless and transparent. All the codes are open-sourced, smart contracts safeguard all of the escrowed assets, and all transactions are trackable on the blockchain.

Even more information about Symblox can be found on our project’s website.



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Symblox is a decentralized synthetic asset issuance and trading protocol on the blockchain. https://symblox.io