Founder Relationships & Ideation

Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2022

In this survey we aimed to understand the complexity of ideation processes and the struggle to find co-founder. And this is what we found based on the response of 55 founders after fundraising:

It looks like it’s about 50/50 split between the idea and the partner.

As you can see, if you didn’t start with a partner, it usually takes more than 6 months to gather a team.

If you take out the teams that started together you can see that most entrepreneurs explored more than four options before establishing a team ,we believe it shows entrepreneurs understand how crucial it is.

The perception is that everyone meets in the army but as you can see, it’s not always the case.

If you take out the people that started with the idea, it takes time to find it, in some cases, more than a year!

Spuriously most entrepreneurs does’t sign a founder’s agreement, we believe it’s because seed round happens much faster.

This is the link to leave your details if you are also a founder after funding and would like to participate in our following surveys.

We would love to hear any ideas you have for future surveys that might help other entrepreneurs.

The Symbol Team



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