Development Update 7/3/2023

Cloverfield, the demo frontend for the SYMMIO infra, received numerous development updates. Changes include significant UI updates to the SYMMIO demo frontend, Cloverfield, deployment on BNB, and an increase in cap limits.

SYMMIO Publication
2 min readJul 19, 2023


UI Updates

Position Details

Users can now view their positions in much more detail from the “Position Details” panel.


We’ve introduced a comprehensive notification system, updating a user on every interaction taken with the platform, from depositing funds to requesting an order and having it filled by a hedger.

Open and Closing Position Windows

The Open Position window was slightly reworked, with the Closing window being totally redesigned. As a security feature, the system prevents users from sending quotes that could result in insolvency. The newly updated Closing window gives users much more detail and shows the maximum available position they can close while remaining solvent.

BNB Deployment

Cloverfield is now deployed on BNB in addition to Fantom, enabling BNB ecosystem users to trade over 190 cryptocurrencies with up to 40x leverage.

Raise The Caps

Cloverfield is a demo frontend used to showcase the SYMMIO tech and test new features.

Users can create up to three separate sub-accounts with a deposit limit of $5,000 per account.
Get whitelisted here to start trading!

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