An Open E-mail to Symph Aspirants

Nicole M. Padin
Symph Stories
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2016

Whether you are a graduate, undergraduate or have zero work experience at all, you are very welcome to apply!


This is Nicole, finance and admin officer / project manager / Symph Internship Program manager of Symph. Thanks so much for your interest! We are flattered that you wish to work with us.

What are we looking for?

Aside from the next big potential startup founder, we are looking for frontend and backend developers. We are also looking for creative individuals who can work with us in our design team or content strategy team. If you are the least technical person but would want to give tech industry a try, you might also want to apply for the business development team. We also won’t mind office and accounting workers.

If you think you can contribute in any of these areas, you are most likely who we need!

How to apply?

Send us your sample works or portfolio!

How about your resume, diplomas and grade cards, you might ask?
Sure, those are nice. But it might be the last thing we will look into. I mean, they matter, but just not to us.

What are we looking for in an applicant, then?
Sending your application even without us requesting from it earns you bonus points!

You already have 2 points if we see and sense your willingness and the desire to learn and become better. Your sample works are a proof of that.

For fresh and under graduates: extra extra points if you have existing sample works! Impress us by using tools that are not being taught in school because that would mean you are eager to learn your self. And working with us may mean a lot of learnings and extra self-learnings can give you a hand along the way. As you can see, in this industry, you get left behind if you don’t keep up with what’s new.

We will mostly likely call you in for a personal interview if we like what we see or we see potential. Our founders or team leads will be hands-on with the interview.

Just relax.

We are always on a lookout for good people

If you are a developer or designer, then feel free to send us a link to your sample works along with a short introduction on who you are and what you do. If you’re not a technical applicant (someone who can help us with content storytelling, accounting, or project management for example), then please feel free to tell us about yourself and how you can contribute to the Symph team. (Yes, we do read those things) send them to with the subject: Hi Symph

Hope to hear from you! Enjoy your day!


