Why Hire a Web Team:

Kai L.
Symph Stories
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2016

Not just any team, but the right team — our team.

In an attempt to make an analogy — Imagine having the perfect raw ingredients to a dish, a dish that could potentially create maybe a restaurant or a food breakthrough. Hiring a web development team is similar to hiring the perfect team of chefs to turn the raw ingredients that you have into an amazing dish that suites your taste and that which you think your market will want. Basically, hire someone who can get it done right.

Even the most tech-savvy need a team to fully develop their ideas.

On Costs:

Okay, we’ll be honest, maybe hiring a firm isn’t always the friendliest price there is. But your goal should be to create a great software/product through the best resources (e.g a quality team) — not hire the cheapest of service providers. If you pay little, you may pay more in other ways. Ask around, put together a list of detailed requirements and compare prices.

Work with a firm that takes your budget into account, preferably one who is willing to find quality solutions within a reasonable budget. Keep in mind that you both are businesses that need to thrive.

We think web development firms are a great solution no matter what your technical experience. Hiring a firm is essential for people building their products from the ground up, especially if you don’t feel comfortable having to hire or manage a team of in-house developers.

Speaking of the need reduce costs also means the proper budgeting not just of money, but of resources and time. By hiring a firm, you free yourself from employment liabilities such as salary, health care, benefits and human capital management which lets you..

Focus on Things that Matter

Did you know that dealing with software requires lots of tools and licenses, some of which expire and some of which require regular updates?

These are just a few to many technical demands you cannot avoid when developing software. Why worry about something you don’t understand? Rather, give yourself the time and energy to think about planning, operations and strategy — the things that will have a bigger impact on your bottom line!

Chances are, a web development firm has the experience which can provide you the competitive advantage of having a team of brains work to help you reach your product’s goals.

It’s all about higher productivity on your part without having to compromise the end result.

Professional Processes and Results

This is not to say that other options such as in-house IT staff or solo freelancers are not great in delivering products.

However, development firms usually provide streamlined processes and results. They provide you with dedicated project managers to make sure everything is on schedule and that the product is working the way it should.

These firms are here to impress you, it is their team’s job to deliver. Web development firms do away with templated designs. As selfish as it may sound, but they want their portfolios to look good too — and the way to achieve that, is to make yours stand out among others.

Aside from that, it is also their responsibility to learn and innovate along the way, as the technology field develops at a rapid rate. This fact ensures that they apply modern software development strategies, as well as other techniques to efficiently provide you with quality output.

In order to successfully have a web development team work for you, it is ultimately your own responsibility. There are many pros and cons to it, which you should weigh and consider against the alternatives. Our best take on it is to make sure you work with people you feel comfortable with, as giving honest feedback and improving based on it is essential to success.

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of making sure web development team works for you:

Know your budget. No website is created equally. If you can, set an estimated budget for the team to have a basis to work from. Put together detailed requirements and if possible, draft mockups. This makes it easier for firms to analyze and give you as close to an accurate estimate as possible. Even when you do all of this remember that estimates are just that, estimates.

Do some stalking. Is the company a real business? Try poking into their website and see their portfolio, read their blog, perhaps even ask around for references.

If the type of project you wished to be built isn’t on their portfolio, but you like what you see, drop them an inquiry. In some cases, Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) prevent these companies from showing off some of their past work publicly.

Also look into their company culture and see if it fits with yours, because apart from building products, you are also about building relationships. And the key to a successful endeavor is to make it a relationship where you both benefit.

So, maybe we can be the team for you, maybe not. The only way for you to find out is to scope out your work, check out ours, and then email us at hi@sym.ph



Kai L.
Symph Stories

I do not deny the existence of dragons. I can write alphabetically and non-alphabetically. www.erikalagunzadblog.wordpress.com