5 Incredible Benefits of Using Swift for iOS App Development

Charles Darwin
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2017

For quite a while, Objective-C was an essential programming language utilized for making OSX and iOS applications. Objective-C is essentially a superset of C with included object-oriented elements and dynamic list. A few years ago, Apple launched another programming dialect, Swift which was depicted as “Objective-C without the C”.

It is really fast, secure and modern app development solution. It contains various elements like closures, generics, and sort induction that make it considerably easier patterns as a part of Objective-C. It consolidates components of both C and Objective-C, without having directly worked in C compatibility and all the limitations that come along with it. With the help of a Cocoa Touch, Swift totally becomes an exclusive solution for iOS-oriented products.

Here is the list of 5 primary benefits of using Swift over Objective-C for your next mobile venture:

1. Readability: The main preferred standpoint for picking Swift is ostensibly a direct result of its spotless syntax, which makes it quite easier to read and edit. The depth of code lines expected to execute a choice on Swift is a lot fewer than for Objective-C. The swift solution also utilizes the comma-separated rundown of parameters inside enclosures. Thus, the code is cleaner with an improved language structure.

2. Maintenance and Support: It’s unrealistic for Objective-C to advance without C developing first. Conversely, Swift does not have these conditions, which makes it a ton simpler to keep up.

3. More secure Platform: In this cutting throat mobile application development market, building up a safe application should be a need. Swift’s structure and dialect developments avoid the few sorts of errors possible in Objective-C. This steadiness implies that there will be fewer crashes and instances of problematic behaviour. This includes an additional layer of value control amid improvement.

4. Less Code and Legacy: Swift platform provides code that is less error prone in view of its inline bolster for controlling content strings and information.

5. Speed: Swift additionally offers various speed benefits amid development, thus, saving money and effort. A mind boggling object sort, for instance, will run 3.9x quicker than a usage of a similar calculation in Python. That is additionally superior to Objective-C, which is 2.8x speedier than the Python version. Its execution approaches are viewed as the quickest algorithm calculation arithmetic.

SynapseIndia, a leading swift Application Development Company provides top notch services in delivering custom made solutions. Believing the best, they put their long years of expertise and time-tested approach to create award-winning results.

