How iBeacon Technology is helpful for B2B and B2C Industries

Charles Darwin
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2017

iBeacon is Apple’s execution of Bluetooth low-energy wireless innovation to make an alternate way of providing location-based details & information to iOS devices. They can easily connect with your iOS mobile application, use Bluetooth technology and sends information to your nearby iOS users. Progressively this ultimate innovation got acknowledged, people began adoring this innovation and today a large number of iOS users are enjoying this technology.

The beacons demonstrate more accurate indoor signals than contrasted with GPS or Wi-Fi. Beacons don’t depend on satellite network which is subject to barometrical and building penetration issues. At the point when your smart iOS device detects a beacon in a range, it sets up the connection instantly via Bluetooth and begins the exchange of information which could be a limited time promotion offer of a shop you are visiting, inside a historical center it could be a comprehensive detail of the monument you are visiting. By setting these beacons around a building, or in a particular room in a building, relevant information can be pushed to the iOS users’ as they walk past different beacons.

Beacons are exceptionally beneficial for B2B and B2C industries. They are quite useful in the retail sector where the business owners can without much of a stress share their special offers, discounts, rewards etc. to the users passing by their store or visiting their store by incorporating beacons with their mobile application.

Every one of the retailers including huge shopping malls or an individual store proprietor can focus on their customer, know their shopping inclinations and plan their business methodology based on the analytics assembled by the implementation of this iBeacon application technology.

For enterprise-scale businesses, iBeacon innovation could be a helpful method for dealing with a physical workforce. They can implement a robust Human Resource Management system which would utilize use beacons furnished with enterprise business application that can efficiently manage login, log out, leave and navigation of workers in the workplace.

Development of iBeacon apps are really amazing and fruitful for B2B and B2C industries. iBeacon App Development Company India, SynapseIndia has great expertise in the development of iBeacon applications and solutions.

