Why to Choose Cake PHP Over Other Frameworks?

Charles Darwin
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2016

The basic concept of developing any application using an open source is fast development and easy handy approach. The framework assists in accomplishing all these advantages for the developers. After the examination the attributes of PHP and Cake PHP, it can be easily concluded why this platform is considered above all the other frameworks by the developers. Search for CakePHP development in India have become multiple times in few years because of increasing global trend.

The most prominent and contrasting difference that can be seen is that Cake PHP is highly organized. It is basically an advanced version of a collection of components and object found in PHP application development, help, and references. In addition to being flexible and perfectly organized, Cake PHP is also known for its potential of providing the developers with the ample dependability when it comes to coding support.

CakePHP comes with logically laid routines, thus enabling the developers to write codes simple by using these routines available in the extensive library. It also brings with it the advantage of CRUD ( Create, Read, Update, Destroy). With CakePHP, you can read the database and get your code verified, converse and easily managed using CRUD.

Having model view controller coding architecture, it is proficient to help the CakePHP developers in performing the complex and tedious task effortlessly. MVC architecture allows being in touch with the development part avoiding any disorderliness in the process flow of development. It also allows the programmers to save their data in the database of their choice. Keeping in view the complexity of the project the developer can keep incorporate various guidelines to any file and avail the benefit of the features.

No configuration is required for the programmers to do before starting the work on CakePHP platform. The majority of features and the useful settings are automatically detected. This type of setting helps the programmer to save their time and efforts as they are not required to learn and understand the configuration settings. Also, this platform comes up with a framework with built-in validation features that are easy to use and are efficiently functional. The code written by the developers and programmer while working on the cake can be facilitated for different other projects, which is one of the most logical and popular benefits behind choosing this framework by the developers. This not only saves a good amount of time and efforts of the developers while working on the project but also allows them to dedicate more time using their creativity on the logical aspects of the project.

