4 Scientific Steps for a High Yielding Content Marketing Strategy

Sajiv Kumar
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2017

Just like a discipline of science, search engine optimization and content marketing also involve some sorts of thoughtful analysis, methodical testing and well-examined experimentation. Applying some scientific ideas to content marketing and SEO can provide a high degree of advantage to let you go ahead and ahead.

Content Marketing

Step 1: Ask Wh- Questions and Shape Your Ideas

Before start writing a content, you must analyse the purpose of the content. Asking a few wh-questions to yourself as per the content demand is going to be highly beneficial in targeting the audiences. Experienced writers are naturally curious ones who after proper investigation, start forming their content. This is the point when the topic is decided after understanding the essence of the keyword and the requirement of the targeted audiences. After topic finalization, the idea of the content is shaped which becomes adhered to the topic demand.

Step 2: Do Proper Content Research

As a scientist has the limited resources and he is well trained in using those resources to fulfill his objective. The same applies to content marketing strategy. An experienced content creator after proper Internet research is able to find the reliable information and the trending contents and then he finds out the lacking ideas and the improvement areas. At this step, the writer has to gather similar content, ideas, sources, expert notes and then he proceeds to draft an outline. Here the need of SEO specialist also arises to conduct and extensive competitor research to create great links for the content.

Step 3: Hypothesis and Test

In the world of content marketing, a content strategist has to conduct an SEO keyword study to determine relevant keywords and phrases to be used throughout the content. After this, he also needs to decide the form of the content like article, blob, PR etc. Once the form is decided as per the topic, keywords and the content needs then the type of representation has to be decided. The content strategist has to consider the hypothesis that which way of representation is going to attract more visitors. It may be an infographic, PPT form or video form. With the changing trends in the content marketing, now the demand of the visual contents are increasing rather than the simple representation of the texts. After successful determining your Standard Operating Procedures, when you have written the content and made it live in a visual form, now the time is to conduct the test for the performance of your content strategy.

Step 4: Analyze the Results

Once your content is finally published, your next step is to collect and measure the success ratio of your content. At this step, your SEO proficiency matters a lot. You must be able to analyze the average time on page, social media shares, conversion rates, bounce rates and the conversion rates. These metrics help in measuring the ROI of the content marketing. Google Analytics help you in doing this job with ease.

Parting Thoughts: Considering these above mentioned four scientific steps help a content strategist in delivering the best output. If you are running a business and desiring to get the best content marketing means to get conversions and best ROI of your content marketing then you must hire the expert SEO content marketing services from a reputed SEO company.



Sajiv Kumar

Business development head at SynapseInteractive, Love to write technical content on various niches including: digital marketing, software, application, SEO etc.