5 Ways to Boost Your Remarketing Efforts

Sajiv Kumar
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2017

Remarketing efforts have proved to be useful and it is one of the most powerful ways to interact with your audiences. If you are running a remarketing campaign and not getting the favourable result then you must consider some strategic efforts. Here are some tips to update your remarketing campaign -

1. Experiment with Different Membership Duration
From 1 day to 540 days, you can change the default remarketing list membership duration. You can create multiple audiences on the basis of varying lengths of time. It will help you in determining the relevancy of your remarketing ad. For example, if you are able to determine that your 7-day audience is more valuable than the 30-day audience and you would more likely to target your marketing efforts for a 7-day audience to generate more profit.

2. Leverage Your Product Pages
If your website consists of product specific landing pages, you should create marketing lists for the users who prefer specific products. You can do so by offering a specific landing page rather than redirecting them to the home page. Along with this, you can also add images and text ads to promote the specific page and enhance your user experience as well.

3. Separate Your Remarketing & Display Images
If your remarketing campaign has general images then you must go with the new tactics. You must customize the ads as per the products’ demand and the customers’ preference. You can add CTA buttons along with the images such as ‘Shop’, ‘Buy Now’, ‘Contact Us’ and so on to make your visitors more engaging. It will certainly bring the huge difference and you will be getting more businesses.

4. Remember Google Analytics
Google Analytics provides the ample insight to the audiences which are going to be a part of the conversion to the website. With the insight data, you can segment your audiences and run effective customized remarketing lists. Your ad must be targeting the audiences who are likely to convert on your website. Based on average session duration and number of pages they have visited, you should target remarketing audiences.

5. Tap Into Similar Audiences
You can also target the similar audiences who are displaying the same sort of browsing interest similar to your website visitors. To extend your marketing efforts, you should attract users who have not visited your website hitherto but keep a similar kind of interest.

Apart from launching new campaigns to attract new audiences, it is essential for the current business flow to optimize the remarketing campaign. A well reputed SEO company in India like SynapseInteractive can help you in these marketing activities and thus your business will enjoy the best business ROI.



Sajiv Kumar

Business development head at SynapseInteractive, Love to write technical content on various niches including: digital marketing, software, application, SEO etc.