How Pay Per Click Can Increase the Value of Your eCommerce Site?

Sajiv Kumar
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2016

In the recent time, the online shopping is trending higher in the market. Considering this, many companies have come up with their online shopping store, where they offer wide range of products and services to their potential visitors. The success of an eCommerce website depends completely upon the number of visitors that convert into profitable customers. For this, it is necessary that a wide number of visitor come to the website, explore it, and make their buying decision. Although, for generating a good traffic towards an eCommerce website, there are multiple methods such as SEO, quality content, social media, email marketing, forums, and many other. But, if you have a powerful Ads, then Pay Per Click (PPC) is the best option for you.

When it comes to the PPC, it is a paid advertising method which enables the users to send a direct traffic on their website. As PPC ads are displayed on the top of the search results, it improves the website search ranking in the search engines that result in more visitor traffic on your website. Although, it is not necessary that all the visitors make their buying decision, you can optimize conversions by experimenting with different designs, colors, copy, discount offers, keywords and much more. Here are some of the points that explain how PPC can increase the value of an eCommerce site:

1. Converted Traffic and Revenue Sources

While making an online business valuation, the buyers check out various revenue sources that are available on their site. The limited revenue options will increase the risk of losing revenue for the site. But, if you have various revenue streams, buyers will value your site higher. Moreover, if your site has a risk of losing one source, the other existence revenue sources will backup your business and provide your business more longevity.

2. Sales and Conversion Stats

In PPC ads, tracking happens automatically. Once you post your ad campaign, you can log into your account and view all the relevant stats regarding the performance of your ads. It also helps you to track your cost-per-acquisition and conversion rate. This rate is important for the buyers, as it helps them to better understand that their investment is worthwhile or not.

3. Capability to Target Better

Most of the time, the PPC ads are targeted to those who search for a specific keyword. It will surely get you a low conversion rates. Through Google AdWords, you can collect a large customer data, which you can refine for targeting customers by importing this data to the PPC platform. Once you a potential customer data, you can target them. This remarketing method helps you to generate more valuable customers for your eCommerce website. Moreover, you can also use the dynamic search ads. This ad helps you to show your ads based on the website content, not just on specific keywords.


If PPC ads are posted efficiently and targeted to the right customers, it will surely help you in earning maximum profits. So, for the eCommerce website owners who want to sell their business widely, PPC is a perfect option. If you also want to enhance your eCommerce business then should take the Pay Per Click management services. As they are professionals, they know what type of ads suit best to your business.



Sajiv Kumar

Business development head at SynapseInteractive, Love to write technical content on various niches including: digital marketing, software, application, SEO etc.