How to Protect Your Website from The Latest Google Panda Update — 7 Useful Tips

Sajiv Kumar
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2017

Google Panda update results in downgrading of rankings of the websites, which are not well managed. It results in bringing a pessimistic approach to the SEO professionals. It has been surveyed that 12% of all global websites replete of advertisements became invisible after the Panda update.

If your website has lost ranking due to Google Panda update then you can follow the below-mentioned steps to remain in a safe zone from Google Panda update -

1) The web design must focus on above the fold. The adverts should not be published above the fold. Using Google Page Size Tool being offered by Google Analytics, one can find screen resolutions to see how the web page will exactly appear on various devices. Finding useful contents by scrolling down the website irritates the visitor and Google Panda update can remove such websites. Each web page should have a relevant heading followed by the useful information instead of affiliate links, adverts or forms. These things should be mentioned below the fold section.

2) Link farms have become outdated SEO practice. So, try to avoid the sites which are only dedicated to offer links.

3) Overusage of keywords is considered as one of the bad SEO practices. As per the recommendation, the main keywords should be used once or twice over a web page content of 600 words. Using LSI keywords can be beneficial in this context.

4) You should consistently update the comments on your website or blogs and try to remove the spam links and comments.

5) Add social sharing buttons to the blogs or webpages to enhance the visibility and establish the credibility.

6) You should use videos and images above the fold along with ‘alt’ attribute to describe the appropriate keyword. Bing Webmaster Tools helps in finding the missing ‘alt’ attribute.

7) If your webpage has a little content and you are using a plethora of adverts and links then it is advised to use the robot tags to ‘no index’ those pages. The Panda update will ignore these pages while accessing the webpage content.

A good practice of these tips can help you to remain in a safe zone from Google Panda update. Considering some essentials to stay away from the downgrade due to Google update can help you to maintain your robust online presence.

If you are looking for google panda recovery services to recover your lost webpages then you can go for SynapseInteractive, which is a leading SEO firm based in India. The SEO experts at this company will recover your lost online presence to let your business run efficiently.



Sajiv Kumar

Business development head at SynapseInteractive, Love to write technical content on various niches including: digital marketing, software, application, SEO etc.