How To Use Proper Social Media Strategies For any Reputed Business?

Sajiv Kumar
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2016

In the current competitive environment, every business, whether it is small or large sized, uses the power of social media platform for their business promotion. Social Media is an essential tool to make your brand reputation and credibility. It is no surprise to see that the hackers and scammers take advantage of the situation. It is quite risky to use the social media promotion every time, but it doesn’t mean to avoid it. Here is the guide, where you learn some of the methods to keep your business safe on social media as well as strategy to implement proper social media policies.

1. Make Your Specific Policy for Social Media

Still, there are many companies, having no promising social media policy for them. But, it is quite important that your employees have a legitimate idea about social media and its power. The major restriction you should apply is not letting your employees use work devices to access personal, social media platforms because it only provides another channel for malware and spyware. Even, you shouldn’t allow people to connect with your company’s social media streams on their devices.

2. Limit the Number of People and Devices that Have Access

By restricting the people and the devices that can access your social media streams, you can minimize your risk. You should allow the social media access only a certain number of people, and provide them the password to get into your company Facebook. If anything goes wrong, then you can easily track who’s responsible for such things.

3. Authorized Tone and Style

Social media users have a right to share their views. You should give your marketing team some space to try new and innovative things. But, a single mistake over social media platforms can have adverse effects on your business. So, you must educate your social media and marketing teams, about the tone and style you want to expect on social media sites. This will secure you from any unexpected mistakes and embarrassment.

4. What is the Greatest Threat from Social Media?

Surely, social media is considered as a backdoor for hackers. But the greatest threat from social media is what you post on it. According to the facts, many of the businesses have been destroyed due to the irrelevant posts on Twitter and Facebook. A big majority of your audience is present on social media platforms, so if something goes wrong everyone knows about it.


Strong & well planned social media strategies will secure your company’s social media accounts from hacking, threats and negative publicity, which reduces the negative impact of your business, as well as enhance your online presence. For effective social media strategies, you should connect with the company providing the excellent Social Media Optimization or SMO services in India from a long period of time having valuable experience in the relevant field.

Originally published at on March 16, 2016.



Sajiv Kumar

Business development head at SynapseInteractive, Love to write technical content on various niches including: digital marketing, software, application, SEO etc.