Key SEO Strategies to Get the Best Out of Google Analytics

Sajiv Kumar
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2017

Google Analytics is one of the main SEO tools. With a smart Google Analytics strategy, you can get the best out of SEO to lead in the digital world. This freemium web analytics service offered by Google is now the most widely used web analytics service over the Internet. Below are the few effective strategies essential for best SEO practices:

1. View Only Organic Search Traffic

It is not always the fact that the loss in traffic is only caused by a decline in organic search traffic.Many of the times, going a little deeper analysis reveals the fact that organic traffic is performing well while other sources are down that counts in a slowdown of overall traffic to your website.

Just you need to go to your Google Analytics page and click on Acquisition> All Traffic>Channels and you will be able to find out the diverse channels working as traffic sources. Going throughout the segregating traffic channels and opening the Channel Grouping Report, you would be able to analyze the reasons responsible for the lost organic traffic. It will help you in working with the responsible channels to enhance the traffic to your website.

2. Measure the Quality of SEO Traffic

In SEO, you can even measure the quality of search traffic. Besides measuring the traffic quantity, you should also measure the quality of the coming traffic to your website. In order to improve the quality of the traffic, you should go to Conversions > Multi-Channel Funnels > Assisted Conversions, where you can set your date range and start doing the comparison with the previous period. If your website has a negative growth in search conversions and on the other hand, the overall search traffic is stable then it is clearly understood that the search traffic is low quality. It will help you in working with a new keyword strategy to improve the SEO traffic quality.

3. Identify Slow Loading Times of Web Pages

Slow loading websites never drive more visitors. In Google Analytics you could be able to know the loading speed of your website. To measure the page load times of your all web pages go to Behaviour > Site Speed > Page Timings. You need to set the middle column to ‘Avg. Page Load Time’ and the right column to ‘% Exit’. You would be able to measure the loading speed of your website and also will be able to see the number of people leaving the website. If it’s slow, you must work upon the core areas of the website to increase the load time speed.

If you are really looking to get more organic traffic to your business web page then you can hire the experienced SEO team at SynapseInteractive which is a leading destination for SEO services in India.



Sajiv Kumar

Business development head at SynapseInteractive, Love to write technical content on various niches including: digital marketing, software, application, SEO etc.