Social Media Strategy and Its Planning

Sajiv Kumar
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2016

Over the years, social media has become a major platform for connecting with potential customers, globally. Due to its immense usage, social media is being continuously updated with new networks like Snapchat, introduced new technologies that enhanced the user engagement, launch real-time observation instrument i.e., Periscope, and increased existing platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest usage. Additionally, the organic reach is getting narrow as the leading networks access their paid channels for monetizing platform investment.

Previously, social media is just a channel for user engagement and conversation, but now it has become a leading platform for customer acquisition, engaging existing customers, and remarketing. Although, it may be not that mature in comparatively to other searches and email marketing, but it is one of the major platforms where eCommerce teams are raising their investment. To know more about it, we will discuss that how paid and organic social media fit into a social strategy.

What is Organic Social Media Marketing and Paid Social Media Marketing?

Organic Social Media Marketing

Organic Social Media Marketing is a process in which the social networks provide various free tools to create numerous social communities and interact with them, respond to the preferred customer comments and sharing posts. For example, the method of using the Hootsuite for Twitter to schedule and publish various tweets is considered as an organic social media marketing.

Paid Social Media Marketing

Paid Social Media Marketing is a method in which the users pay to display the adverts or sponsored messages to social network users depends on their profile. The cost is earned on the basis of ad planned like PPC ads. As a wide number of eCommerce owners are using the PPC model for coming on the top ranking of the search engines, but various paid social campaigns also charged according to the per-click basis even the path to conversion is not directly related to the searches. The paid social ads can also be a channel for a crowded and fragmented conversion for keeping the track record of ROI.

Listening and Responding

When it comes to the community management, Organic Social Media Marketing is a better option. Actually, there is no need of any paid campaign to know what people are saying about you. But, if you want to know the strength of the core messages that you have shared through organic posts, you need to implement paid campaigns.

Micro Targeting Through Paid Campaigns

Interest-Based Targeting: Eventually, on the basis of self-identified interests, you can target your audience. Through this marketing method, you can easily obtain the higher CTR and a good conversion rate for your social ads.

Remarketing: Through remarketing, you can market your ads to the visitors who have already visited your website. You can easily promote your relevant offers to the visitors according to the context of their visit.

Look Alike Audiences: By adding the customer lists into your social advertising accounts, you can create a look alike audiences. With this, you can easily target the other users on the social network who are similar to your existing customers.


In the last few years, the social media marketing has become a major platform for the marketers to showcase the Ad campaigns, interact with potential customers and earn a good ROI. Whether you use Organic or Paid Social Media Marketing, both are beneficial to obtain a good customer base. So to utilize the benefits of social media marketing for your business, you just simply connect with the best Social Media Marketing Company and hire their services.



Sajiv Kumar

Business development head at SynapseInteractive, Love to write technical content on various niches including: digital marketing, software, application, SEO etc.