The Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Science Writer Fellowship

The Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute (TCCI)is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing research into brain and mind science. We recently launched the Chen Science Writer Fellowship to help extend the value of the scientific discussions taking place at science meetings and conferences and to foster interdisciplinary collaboration.

Funding for Chen Science Writers covers entrance fees and travel to and from the meeting. Candidates will apply through an open call that the conference organizing committee will post and disseminate. The Fellowship recipient will be selected by the Committee and will receive practical guidance, advice and mentorship from the conference committee. Deliverables for the fellowship will include a 2–3 page report.

Chen Science Writers Program Objectives

  • To extend the scientific discussion at each meeting beyond just those who attended.
  • To convey key themes and topics being addressed within the life sciences sector.
  • To spark interdisciplinary dialogue and partnerships.

Program Target Audiences

  • Those in the scientific/academic communities focused on the brain and, more broadly, life sciences.
  • Engaged laypeople who may not have scientific expertise but are interested in the brain.
  • Investors and other philanthropists who might support the science in some way.


  • Two weeks after the meeting, the Chen Science Writer will provide TCCI with a 2-3 page co-authored written report with a high-level description of the conference and several “bullet points” that address the following:
  • The discussions/findings the scholar found particularly exciting
  • Controversies that were discussed
  • Their view of future issues that need to be addressed

The report may not contain information deemed confidential by designated members of the Conference organizing Committee.

Key to the Meeting Summaries

  • Concisely reflect key themes and topics discussed at the meeting — especially new or emerging topics (target word count 500–1000 words)
  • Convey why the science being discussed matters — how might this help/enhance the general population’s lives?
  • Finding a balance between accurately describing the science while still making it approachable to those who are not experts on that topic.
  • Suggestions re visuals to accompany the article.


  • Your article will be posted to in our meeting publication called SYNAPSE and promoted through our other digital channels.

Interested in being considered?

  • Email us at



Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute
SYNAPSE: Supporting Science

The Chen Institute represents a billion dollar commitment from its founders to help advance our understanding of the human brain and mind.