I’m Future Ready — Are We?

Matt Head
2 min readMay 28, 2015


I feel like I am on the cutting edge of the technology curve. I am sure that I am future ready. If being future ready means that I will adapt to changes and incorporate the latest tools into my life than I am future ready. I am always willing to try new things. I am usually one of the first of my friends to get the latest gadget or app. I will spend an hour trying to simplify a project through the use of technology when doing it manually would have taken much less time because I want to be more efficient the next time.

Photo from flickr.com https://www.flickr.com/photos/buckaroobay/3721809183

Is my school district future ready? We claim to be. I am not convinced.

According to FutureReadySchools.org my district needs to be doing the following to demonstrate readiness…

  • Foster and lead a culture of digital learning within our schools
  • Helping schools and families transition to high-speed connectivity
  • Empowering educators through professional learning opportunities
  • Accelerating progress toward universal access for all students to quality devices
  • Providing access to quality digital content
  • Offering digital tools to help students and families #ReachHigher
  • Mentoring other districts and helping them transition to digital learning

I think that in pockets of the district each of those things are being done but all of those things are not being done anywhere in the district. One thing I am sure of is that the district is working hard to accelerate the progress toward universal access for all students to quality devices. Having devices in students hands will look good but will it really improve teaching and learning?

I don’t know how to tell, without a doubt, that the district is future ready but I do know for sure that most school districts are not. We need to take more steps and be willing to move in a more meaningful way into the future of digital learning. Before making sure that all of our students have a quality device we must develop a culture of digital learning. Our families must have reliable access to high-speed internet. Our teachers must be encouraged to take risks and learn from each other. Quality content must be curated and/or developed. I think that most districts jump straight to quality devices without developing a strong foundation for digital learning.

I have more questions than answers but I don’t think that is bad in these times of rapid change.

Are you future ready? Is your class and/or district future ready? How will you know? What are you doing today to be ready for the future?

