The Only Magic that Works

One Parent’s Spell for Sending Kids Back to School

E. M. Williams (Canada)
2 min readSep 2, 2014

“So Grade 1 starts on Tuesday, huh?”

“Yes. Will it be harder than kindergarten?”

“You’ll learn different things, and the teacher will expect you to do and finish your work. So, yes, it will probably be a little bit harder.”


“What are you thinking about?”

“I’m worried I won’t be able to do it.”

“Hm. Well, let me tell you a secret.”

“A secret!”

“Yes. I’m going to teach you a magic spell.”

“A REAL magic spell?”



“I want you to listen carefully, because this is a secret spell. And it’s the only magic I know that works.”


“So this is a spell you cast with your brain.
A teacher taught it to me, but I was much older than you when I learned it.
If you believe your new school will be fun and good, chances are it will be.
If you believe your new school will be hard or scary, chances are it will be.”

<eyes are the size of toonies>

“I can cast this spell with my brain?”

“Yes. It’s the only magic you will ever need.”

<thoughtful silence as these implications are considered>

A week later, I listened as my Grade 1 student told the story of the magic spell to a younger sibling on their way to a new daycare.

“ . . . and it’s the only magic that works. If you believe your new daycare will be fun and good, it will be . . .”

Pass it on.

Image courtesy of (creative commons license).


My first novel, Chaos Calling: Book 1 of The Xenthian Cycle, is available as an ebook and paperback. It’s about three childhood friends who realize they’re on standby for the end of the world, and that their unusual adolescence was training for what to do should an ancient enemy appear in their lifetime.

Spoiler alert: That happens. Some of the characters are also parents. You may relate.

If you’d like to follow my writing journey, visit and subscribe to my newsletter. You can also find my book reviews and commentary on TikTok at @emwilliamscanada.



E. M. Williams (Canada)

I’m a novelist/marketer. In 2012, I did a Tedxtalk on women superheroes. It became 10 yrs of novel-writing homework: