The Synapse is Back to School!

Brad Decker
2 min readAug 23, 2016



The first day of school is upon us. For many teachers, students, parents, administrators, and other concerned parties, returning from summer break is bittersweet — on one hand, the summer, with all of its promise of relaxation and recuperation, has ended. On the other, we’re finally back to work, brought back to the hallowed halls of education that we care so much about.

Attentive subscribers may have noted a slowdown in content being added to this publication over the summer. As your editor, I feel I owe you an explanation — in the past few months, I’ve graduated from a wonderful MAT program, landed a job, moved across my state, and scrambled towards a modicum of preparedness for my first year as a teacher. The Synapse is extremely important to me, but the whirlwind of changes was overwhelming.

That said, with the beginning of a brand new school year, and a wealth of new content from our fantastic contributors, and a refreshed passion for sharing the very best, most authentic voices in Education, I hope you’re as ready for The Synapse’s return to regularity as I am!

We’ve already got some great articles on welcoming students to the first days of school up on the publication! Check them out below:

As of this writing, The Synapse reaches nearly 40 thousand subscribers dedicated to the support of the Authentic Voices in Education. That’s an amazing number, and I’d like to thank each of you again for recommending, sharing, and contributing to this publication.

Let’s get out there and make this school year a fantastic one.

As always, I am your humble editor.



Brad Decker

Teaching, Traveling, Writing. MA in Film Studies, MA in Teaching and English Literature. Owner and Editor at Panel & Frame and The Synapse.