Synapse is the new decentralized power grid for global AI

AI is the New Electricity, and Synapse is the New Decentralized Power Grid

Dan Gailey
Synapse AI
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2018


What do we mean when we say AI is the new electricity?

AI is going to be powering every application, every device, every service, every interface, and every interaction. All the data generated from everything will be collected, analyzed, scraped, found, and acquired in order for artificial intelligent models to be built, trained, made more powerful, and more robust over time.

In turn, these models will be leveraged to acquire more data and find more insights. When we say AI is the new electricity, what we really mean is AI is going to power all of these different experiences and all these different transactions, essentially running the entirety of our future, participating in all industries, and running all economies.

Since AI is the new electricity, then what does it mean to be a decentralized power grid?

AI powers all devices, choices, and interfaces

Synapse: The New Decentralized Power Grid

As an example, previously we have had centralized electrical services where you have one or two companies regionally providing access to electricity via their power lines. What we enable is decentralization, which allows anyone anywhere to participate in and across the network, which then unlocks things like distributed compute and democratized access to services.

Now when we talk about the old versus new in terms of AI, you have companies like Google and Amazon, who own the monopoly on data and who control access to particular models. What we do with decentralization is we allow anyone and anything to participate on the network, where anyone and anything can acquire data, build and train and populate their models, and in return create a network of models anyone can access to power their applications. And, because we’re providing this new network, we also enable these agents and models to communicate, transact, learn from one another, and grow together.

When we say it’s the new decentralized power grid, what we mean is everyone and everything’s a participant. It’s bidirectional and it’s competitive. Because we have the back plane of a marketplace, the reputation system, validation and access of data and models, what we see is this big, thriving ocean where anyone can participate to compete for the latest and greatest artificial intelligent models.

Because AI is a new electricity, that means that Synapse is the new decentralized power grid for AI, where everything will be powered by and through Synapse’s network. We’ll power every device, every service, and help make more educated choices by having more insight, because we allow a decentralized, distributed, and democratized access to an artificial intelligent network and its resources.

Synapse: An ocean of models and agents

The Impact

We’ve seen numbers that by leveraging AI, firms will see a $11.3T profit gain and massive efficiency gains. We now can see that by connecting and facilitating transactions, smarter insights, and autonomy, the impact of this is exponential and almost unfathomable. We’re simultaneously disrupting whole industries. We’re simultaneously improving whole industries. We’re simultaneously creating new industries. Leveraging the network in this way means more insight, more opportunity, better models, smarter applications, and ultimately better living for everyone.

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