RFC: Synapse Yellow Paper

Dan Gailey
Synapse AI
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2017

TL;DR: Yellow paper here.

At Synapse we’re building a global decentralized brain that anyone can contribute to and use.

Decentralized topologies look alike, whether they’re the internet or the pathways in our brain.

When the team originally launched the very first version of our white paper we included everything we were thinking about, all the questions, and answers that had come up while architecting the system we’re building today. We ended up with a bunch of feedback that resulted with us creating more of a marketing brochure rather than any technical exposition.

We’ve set-out to create that experience inside our yellow paper. The balance between verbosity, succinctness, and technical detail, without being pseudo-technical is what we’re striving for. This is an open, living, and versioned document so expect revisions and upgrades.

This is also a Request For Comment (RFC) so we’re looking for feedback from the community on what more we can add or explain, and any contributions anyone would like to add.

