
Sankaet Pathak
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2019

Our goal at Synapse is to provide a highly scalable infrastructure layer to our customers.

To ensure we have strong business incentives to deliver on these goals, we have added some interesting non-standard provisions in our legal agreements over time. They are:

90 day money back guarantee

Up until 90 days after you sign the agreement, you can terminate at any time for any or no reason. We will refund to you the SaaS fees paid. No questions asked.

No suck clause

You can terminate the agreement at any time if you are not satisfied with our services. We ask for a 15-day period to improve ourselves based on your feedback before termination.

Support and uptime SLAs on all products

We provide SLAs to you with no cap on credits that you may receive each quarter.

  1. Support SLA: we will respond to your critical tickets in no more than 3 hours.
  2. Uptime: 99.99% API availability.

By end of August, we will add the following in our contracts as well:

Customer Service on weekends

Starting August, weekend support will be avaliable to all live customers. Support will include — technical, daily compliance and general support. SLAs will be updated to reflect this.

Having this support avaliable on the weekends means sanctions screenings reviews will be done seven days a week. Any risk or compliance related queues to debit card transactions will be resolved same day rather than next business day.

We have always committed to weekend support during product degradation scenarios, but this brings regular support to the weekends as well.

Product Reliability

We are also committing to 99.99% reliability on all non-beta products starting August.

Here is how it’s going to work:

Our SLAs will reflect reliability as a metric to track on top of just uptime. With the goal being, if we are below 99.99% reliability in a given quarter on any non-beta products for any of our customers, SLA credits will apply¹.

Its worth pointing out that this is unconventional, but we are committed to building the best and inclusive products we can for our customers. If you want learn more, please feel free to reach out at hello@synapsefi.com.

[1] From that point on, every year we will strive to increase the commitment on our reliability by one decimal point, so 2020 will be 99.99%, 2021 will be 99.999% and so on.

