UIaaS: Bank Logins

We are releasing a new product, Bank Logins UI; a simple user interface built on top of our Bank Login API. See demo here.

Nikki Galusha
4 min readSep 29, 2017


While building out our banking APIs one thing has become clear to us: there are some APIs that are utilized by end users extensively (create transactions, fund accounts, etc.) and then there is another set of APIs that end users only use a few times in the product lifecycle (adding KYC, linking bank accounts, etc.).

From our perspective, it doesn’t make much sense for our partners to have to integrate both the high and low cadence APIs before they go live — since users cannot create transactions without finishing KYC and linking bank accounts.

Over the course of the next few months, we will be launching UI elements for different aspects of our APIs that will allow our partners to go live faster. They will then only integrate high usage APIs within their apps and redirect users to customizable UIs — managed by us — for low usage functions.

We call this effort UI as a Service (UIaaS) and today we are launching our first UIaaS product, Bank Logins.

Here are the most notable features of our new interface:

Customizable Design

One of the coolest aspects of our new UI is the fact that it’s customizable for our platforms. Since we’re a white-labeled service, this UI will adjust to preferences provided by our partners without any CSS manipulation —all colors and logos are built with an adaptive design. In addition, this UI can be updated to accommodate any custom disclosures and terms that might be needed to display to end users.

Simple User Experience

Our interface takes care of all complexity associated with logging in and performs the MFA flow with ease.

Users can select which bank they’d like to link accounts from, supply a username and password, perform MFA and then select the accounts they wish to link.

Account Management

The UI also manages bank account limit complexities for platforms. If a user is over the limit on the number of accounts they are allowed to link, they are presented with an account review screen that allows them to unlink some existing accounts before they can link new accounts.

Mobile Friendly Design

Our Bank Logins UI was built with a mobile-friendly approach. For mobile devices we’ve enhanced usability, optimized for screen real estate, and simplified design elements and layouts.

Graceful Redirects

Whether the user is successfully able to login and link accounts or some unforeseen error occurs, redirects are handled gracefully and controlled by supplied URIs in the query string. Upon failure, a custom error message is sent back with the failure URI to give insight as to why the error occurred. Upon success, the user’s ID is provided to give context to the success.

You can learn more about the redirect GET parameters on our API docs.

Robust Error Handling

For an excellent user experience, we believe all errors and exceptions should be actionable and easy to understand. For that reason, we are building a robust error handling module that translates all API and network-related exceptions into simple-to-read messages and clear next steps for the user.

Error handling is always a work in progress, but we are committed to building out a comprehensive error and exception handling module for all UIaaS products.

We are excited for you to get started with our new Bank Logins UI. For an in-depth look at linking bank accounts, check out the docs or view our demo here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@synapsepay.com.

Originally published at Synapse’s Blog on September 28, 2017.

