Usend delivers financial services and debit cards across borders with Synapse

Carla Mcmorris


Sending money from Brazil, the US, and Canada can be expensive, time-consuming, and unreliable. Usend wanted to improve the remittance system, and in the process of learning from their customers, they discovered that remittances were just the beginning. Their customers wanted a cost-effective way to gain access to a wide breadth of services.

Usend is a fintech that offers foreign exchange transactions securely and quickly through its app. Honing in on their vision to democratize access to financial services across borders for everyone, Usend launched a debit card for Brazilians to use for purchases while traveling in the U.S., and as an add-on product for their existing cross-border account holders.

Synapse partnered with Usend (recently acquired by Banco Inter) to help them deliver an essential component of their financial services suite — the debit card. Synapse’s debit card program and compliance program helped to power the partnership, making cross-border cards possible for Usend.

“Debit card issuing isn’t unique in the fintech world, but cross-border debit card issuing is. Synapse has a revolutionary compliance program that made our program possible.” Fernando Fayzano, CEO

The stars are the limit for Usend because they know they can bring everything from stock trading to shopping to their customers with the debit card program from Synapse as their infrastructure. Synapse is a valued partner delivering an essential component of their current and future services and aligning with Usend’s vision to democratize access to financial services across borders.

To learn more, read the entire case study here.

