Dextools CryptoBond Rarity Guide

Cryptogenik | SYNC Network
SYNC Network
5 min readJan 21, 2021


Dextools CryptoBond Rarity Guide

We’re often asked, “How do I value my CryptoBond?” While you can’t set an exact price for a CryptoBond— they are collectibles, after all — some things make one CryptoBond more sought-after than another.

So what do experienced Syncronauts look for?
There are three primary things to consider in a CryptoBond:

#1 Rarity
#2 Maturity
#3 Appearance.

#1 Rarity

Some CryptoBonds have set limits or caps that will preserve their scarcity over time; they were available only for short runs during a promotional period. Others are rare because they are difficult to create. We will go over the DexTools CryptoBonds today and focus on their specific traits.

First Generation CryptoBonds

This is the Base Art for all Cryptobonds and only features a few changes from one to the next, most involving which part of the CryptoBond is featured. The community has started just identifying them by which Character is highlighted in full color. Lucky Bonds (CryptoBonds with an ID ending in 77) are in full color as well.

Special Edition CryptoBonds

Some CryptoBonds were one-off items created for special occasions.

Low ID numbered CryptoBonds

All CryptoBonds have a unique ID that starts with 1 and counts up from there. This means there will only ever be 9 single-digit CryptoBonds, 99 double digits, and so on. The low ID numbers also indicate that a CryptoBond was created early in the project.

The very first CryptoBond

The ID for every CryptoBond is printed on the bottom center of the artwork and other important information regarding the specifications for that specific CryptoBond.

Those early IDs can’t be recreated, and owning one of those CryptoBonds is like owning a little piece of CryptoBond’s history. Collectors love low serial numbers.

Exclusive CryptoBonds

Special Edition CryptoBonds are occasionally minted on special occasions. These are few and far between and are highly sought after. These stand out considerably from their peers and feature original artwork. (Could include CryptoBonds created on holidays etc.)

Rarity Odds

In the bottom left corner you can see the odds of seeing this exact artwork again. The variations are VERY wide!
In the bottom left of the CryptoBond, you can see the Odds of seeing this exact artwork again: 1 in 2,777
Compared to this bond, which is much rarer: 1 in 1,953,124

#2 Maturity

A CryptoBond is like a receipt for how many the LPT tokens are to be returned when it is matured. It’s the same amount of tokens that were used to create the CryptoBond. Time is money, and the closer to maturity, the less you have to wait to get those same tokens back. If you have to wait a long time, it won’t be as valuable as a CryptoBond that’s about to mature. However, reaching maturity doesn’t mean you have to cash it out. It could be worth much more if it’s highly sought after, in which case you can choose to keep it as a CryptoBond as long as you wish. The LPTs within will still accrue Uniswap fees, but the holder will no longer be obligated to remain locked. *Unlocking destroys the CryptoBond and the Artwork.

#3 Appearance

Let’s use the DexTools CryptoBond as an example of how to evaluate its appearance. We will start with a low rarity odds DexTools CryptoBond.

Odds 1 in 771k #398

First, let's identify what can change in the artwork, in order from back to front.

Sky Levels 1–5
Moon and Lunar Staircase Levels 1–5
Clouds Levels 1–5
“Dexter” Levels 1–5
Cityscape Levels 1–5
Dexter’s Shirt Levels 1–5
Dexter’s Jacket Levels 1–5
Dexter’s Visor Levels 1–5

There are at least 5 different versions of each of these items, and they are weighted to appear % of the time based on rarity.
Level 5 is the rarest trait.
Getting a level 5 trait on all traits is a 1 in a trillion chance!
It would be like rolling a 5 sided dice 8 times and getting 5 every time, but the dice are weighted to roll mostly lower numbers!

A rare DexTools CryptoBond #711 (And famously featured in this article)

The CryptoBond is special not just because it’s rare and has high odds but also has a high amount of congruency. The purple jacket with matching jacket liner and shoulder pads, the Visor's blue variant, blue chemical vats, and the city with purple highlights with purple clouds and a purple night sky. The icy frame even goes along with the teal chart in the background.
That’s a LOT of congruency! It’s not perfect; for example, the Lunar Staircase in the sky has green highlights, and it is more suited for a different color scheme, but it still looks great.

But if it’s the ultimate in rarity you seek, then here’s a preview of what the ultimate DextTools CryptoBond might look like.

You’ll notice the blue glow around the stairs and other “Hidden Gems” in the artwork with many other hidden gems. The Vats are two colors instead of monochromatic and have a pearlescence that all lower traits do not have. The example above doesn’t feature all of the rarest traits, just most of them. What it does have is a lot of congruency of rare traits, and that’s super rare.

Personal Taste

When it comes to appearance, no two people will have the same taste. But over time, we’ll see overall market preferences for certain traits or combinations of traits. Sometimes the dynamic imagery will clash or not look good in some combinations. We won’t really know until more CryptoBonds are made, and the base artwork is about to get a major overhaul and be the most dynamic ever. The original CryptoBonds will have a lot of value stored in them and be insanely rare.

How to discover CryptoBonds?

OpenSea has filters for the metadata, but Rarible has a better buying/selling platform. It’s pretty simple to research OpenSea but


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