Earn free SDG tokens for using Perpetual Vaults

Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2021

Wait, what? You mean I get paid on top of saving assets in a vault that also earns more assets? Please tell me more!

There’s a really exciting opportunity to generate extra returns when SyncDAO launches: SDG(SyncDAO Governance tokens).

If you are new to DeFi, participating in using the product (Perpetual Vaults) early on is a way to generate EXTRA tokens on top of the normal returns you are earning from having funds deposited and earning in the Perpetual Vault. Perpetual Vaults will be live, audited and ready to help you grow your wealth soon — we are targeting early November and want to make sure our early adopters and ambassadors know how to make the most of the opportunities.

We’ve structured our product usage incentives so that — just like many other successful DeFi projects you see out there like Yearn, Aave, Compound, etc — those who get involved in the SyncDAO ecosystem from the start will be well rewarded!

Product usage incentives

50% of the total SDG tokens are going toward product usage incentives over time.

What this means is that by the time all SDG tokens are unlocked (in 8 years), half will have been given away for using the Perpetual Vaults.

That’s 1 billion tokens distributed to users. For free.

Read that again. Or look at the huge chunk in the allocation section of the slide above (which can be found on our deck).

Breaking it down, that means 200 million SDG tokens in the first 3 months, directly to the community.

The first tranche (10% of total supply, 200m tokens) will be distributed amongst those users who stake PVT in the first 3 months after the TGE (Token Generation Event) in November. This also means that those who obtain SDG tokens earlier will have more influence to vote on which protocols and products the DAO will use in future.

If you know nothing else about crypto, DeFi, tokenomics, liquidity, or any of the myriad of jargon in the crypto lexicon, understand this: 50% of the tokens in the entire SyncDAO ecosystem are being rewarded to the early adopters and users of the system starting from Day 1.

Since there’ll be less users in the first days, weeks and months that the Perpetual Vaults are live than there will be later — early adopters will be rewarded with an even bigger slice of the SDG pie than those who join in later!

These usage incentives are all part of the bigger picture in building SyncDAO as a stalwart in the DeFi landscape.

Why are we giving away SDG?

For a DEX to be truly decentralized, developers must turn the platform into a community-owned project, granting the ability for users to control the platform. Most DEXes offer a governance model where token holders can vote on particular decisions to steer the DEX.

Governance tokens are also used for rewarding community members for performing actions that ultimately benefit the DAO. This means that users benefit from product usage yield rates and governance rewards. Just take a look at Yearn in July 2020 when governance kicked in…

By participating in governance, individuals gain a stake in the protocol. They can tweak the protocol, how it works, and have a say in its future direction.

That’s exactly how we’ve built SyncDAO and are rolling out incremental decentralization. SDG token holders will be at the forefront of spearheading how SyncDAO moves into a better future.

And by showing up to read this, you’re in a prime position to prepare to earn SDG.

Earning SDG is simple: deposit to Perpetual Vaults and along with the great rate of interest you’ll be earning, the SDG you receive will give you the power to grow the DAO along with the rest of the community.

The control is in your hands. Good luck.

If you’d like to know more about SyncDAO you can check out the website at syncdao.com

You can join the conversation on one of our channels






Or check out more in-depth details about the project;




You can verify the token address on https://etherscan.io/token/0xcf8829ae9384540c886a151fac3a865794cb9a01 and on the official SyncDAO website https://syncdao.com/how-to-buy-sdg-syncdao-governance-token/

