Launch Week At SyncDAO

Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2021

Here we are team, “launch week” for SyncDAO starts today with THE FINAL WHITELIST CLOSED!

We organised listings through both DAO Starter and Zendit to give as many in our community a chance to secure a spot. Huge thanks to all those who registered, congratulations to all who got access, whitelists were over 800% subscribed!

We are now in the process of having our token contract audited, between safety and speed we will choose safety everytime as a DeFi project that’s planning to be here forever. We’re in constant contact with the auditor and they’ve let us know that the contract should be fully verified by the start of next week, at which time the Token Generation Event occurs!

24 hours after that we will be launching our Initial Dex Offering on Uniswap.

One week later our Alpha product launches, if you want to get one of the limited first access spots keep an eye on our social channels for the announcement about this.

Before the year is out our full public beta version of the product will go live to the world too!

…and where to from there? Well, we’ll see you in 2022 for plenty of TVL soaring, affiliate rewarding, NFT game playing, Perpetual Vault interest compounding, good times…

This is what it feels like to be part of a DAO and to build not only an innovative Fintech product, but a sustainable community together. Thanks for journeying with us, we will share the challenges and triumphs every step of the way.

Order of events:

  • 24th Nov — Whitelists Closed
  • 24th Nov 10am UTC — DAOStarter IDO Opens
  • 24th Nov 11am UTC — Telegram AMA in SyncDAO Telegram
  • 24th Nov 12pm UTC — Zendit Winners Announced
  • 24th Nov 4pm UTC — DAOStarter IDO Closes
  • 25th Nov 12pm UTC — Zendit Pool Opens
  • Before 1st Dec — Zendit Pool Closes
  • Before 1st Dec — Audit Complete / TGE
  • Before 2nd Dec — Initial Dex Offering on Uniswap
  • 7th Dec — Secret Incentive Unlocks!
  • 9th Dec — Alpha Product Users
  • Before 31st Dec — Public Beta of Perpetual Vaults

If you’d like to know more about SyncDAO you can check out the website at

You can join the conversation on one of our channels

Or check out more in-depth details about the project;

You can verify the token address on and on the official SyncDAO website

