Let the games begin, Alpha testing is underway

Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2022

Building a tech project is seemingly a never-ending adjustment of your goals, direction and dates. As we come to the close of what has been a big year for us here at SyncDAO we are excited to be hitting a major milestone as our platform goes into alpha testing with our closed group of testers.

At the start of 2021, we conceptualized a way for new users to get exposure to the best of DeFi without having to learn to use a ton of different platforms when they have only just worked out Metamask. Plus we wanted a permissionless way to reward referrers who bought new users into DeFi.

For years, the TradFi has worked like this with financial planners, mortgage brokers etc being paid an ongoing commission for the users they introduced to various products. While we have seen this in the crypto space with CeFi products, we had yet to see it working well in DeFi.

Having successfully build a proof of concept to show we could provide a decentralized affiliate system (& having that audited by Quantstamp) we set about growing the team we needed to build what we believe in time will be the mainstream entry point to DeFi for new users all over the world. Along the way the product has evolved with some cool features added, while alongside we also built an active community of tens of thousands who are excited to see SyncDAO come to life.

We’ve chosen to do things a little different to some other DeFi projects by launching with a closed test group, and we know that this approach will allow us to fine tune the experience before the we release to world early int he new year.

Earlier in the month, we reached out within our community and our networks to gather a group keen to have first touch of the live product and to give feedback as they deposit, stake and learn the SyncDAO way. Today is the day we have set this intrepid band of alpha testers loose on the platform and as the feedback starts to flow, the team will be making changes, fixes and upgrades while the testing period is underway.

Once the testing period is done, the fixes pushed and the contract fully audited, we will then release the live product early in 2022.

For now, as we launch into the new year, we are grateful for the year that has been, the backers and advisors who have guided us along the way, the incredible effort made by our team who are spread across the globe, and mostly to you, our community who have walked the path with us to this point.

While access to the product is for our closed alpha test group right now, the test contract is deployed on the mainnet and you can see it here, https://etherscan.io/address/0xE392087BAdB357698CD7F56AD105BfDcd82292a0

If you are in the alpha test group, you can access the product at app.syncdao.com by connecting with the address you provided us.

