Meet the Founders Rossco and Paul

Get to know the SyncDAO Leaders!

5 min readNov 15, 2021


If you’ve been watching our SyncDAO channels you’ll have been introduced to our founders Rossco Paddison and Paul Holland. Two men with big hearts, a passion for DeFi and the creative drive to build something great!

The team here at SyncDAO get the pleasure of working closely with Rossco and Paul — so we know what great humans they both are — and how incredibly powerful they are together!

Yet one of the things that’s awesome about these guys is that they don’t talk about how awesome they are. We thought it would be great to share a bit more about our incredible founders and why they work so well together building SyncDAO.

Rossco Paddison

Rossco is the Creative Thinker — and yes — he’s spent a lot of time talking all things crypto and DeFi on stage!

He’s a people-focused innovator who’s kind of obsessed with solving problems that matter to everyday people. After speaking in over 23 countries to more than 250,000 people and closely working with over 10,000 investors as a business leader, crypto mentor and educator, he’s definitely clocked his time figuring out where people get stuck in growing their income and building long-term wealth.

Rossco is the kind of leader that helps make good ideas great and brings out the best in others by shining a light on what they care about. He’s also known for spontaneous innovations and taking projects into powerful tangents that make things better — sometimes 10X better.

In his spare time, you’ll find him learning and implementing ideas drawn from dozens of different subjects — from farming to innovation to DeFi to gaming to human behaviour. He’s a fan of automating repetitive tasks, has a quick and playful sense of humour and is driven by the core belief that everyone — no matter where they are at in building wealth — has the capacity to use and benefit from DeFi.

These qualities drive the SyncDAO passion for user-centric design and the quest to create efficient and sustainable solutions to real problems.

You can find Rossco on social media at

Paul Holland

Paul is the Get-Shit-Done Guy — and yes — he spends his spare time up in the sky flying planes!

He’s the one that is continually gathering all the different ideas and opportunities, and landing them into clear focus and grounded action. Driving project momentum, he oversees the success of the internal team, external partnerships, and smooth flow of tasks and deadlines. With a background in banking, education, marketing and film production (like Lord of the Rings and King Kong!), he’s pragmatic and adaptable which makes him great at handling the curveballs and quick responsive solutions that are an inherent part of startup life.

Paul is the kind of leader that distils complex things down into simplicity and brings out the best in others with a calm ability to prioritise what’s important and resolve uncertainties. He has an uncanny ability to read people’s minds — especially Rossco — and sense what is going to be needed next.

In his spare time, you’ll find him flying planes, driving race cars, getting out in the lakes and mountains and living an adventurous life — wherever there’s an edge of exploration and excitement he’ll be there! He’s a fan of keeping things simple and getting straight to the point which makes building the SyncDAO vision a lot easier — and is driven by the core belief that DeFi has the power to truly shift some of the big money problems in the world.

These qualities drive the SyncDAO vision into real traction and momentum in developing our product, and building solid partnerships and community.

You can find Paul on social media at

The Synergy Together

Working together these two awesome guys bring a solid balance of industry experience, crypto expertise, business acumen and innovative drive. They have both experienced the highs and lows that are part of all startups — from building and successfully exiting businesses, to the frustrations of projects that get stuck or stalled at various stages. What this means is they have a great sensitivity to the mindset, resilience and market intelligence required to launch a quality technology project in a way that drives user adoption, and ensures long-term sustainability and success.

Rossco and Paul bring the perfect blend of innovation and implementation to bring a project like SyncDAO to the world. As Rossco describes it “I make up crazy ideas and Paul makes them happen”.

Rossco and Paul are both devoted fathers and connected by their love of family and helping good people to get more of what they want from life. They are a stand for the potential of blockchain technology — and DeFi innovation in particular — to help solve some of the big financial problems and inequities of financial access that are present in the world today. They know that real change comes from putting the tools and education for self responsibility and wealth creation into the hands of everyday people. Even more than this — they know that with DeFi, a legacy of lasting wealth is not beyond the reach of anyone who is willing to show up, learn and take action.

They have both worked with educators, influencers and entrepreneurs in high-level consulting roles and multi-million dollar campaigns, helping them to build, market and profit from their business. This means they know exactly what challenges leaders in the wealth and crypto domains face — and what challenges everyday investors get stuck with too! With a combined expertise of over 20 years experience in this niche — they bring valuable leadership insights to SyncDAO that are unique in the DeFi space.

They both got into crypto in 2017 and in bringing their extensive business expertise with them, dove deep into working in the space. Exploring the synergy of opportunities in crypto education, mentoring, marketing, and developing new technology — they have

They place a high value on quality relationships and long-term results, and are advocates for a “Regen” culture in DeFi that helps investors to effectively avoid volatile losses and increase stable consistent results.

If you are looking for a clear strategy to enable safe and secure returns from your portfolio that balances stable and volatile cryptocurrency assets, then check out the training with Rossco in the SyncDAO Discord community.

Join the community and be part of the DeFi revolution. Follow SyncDAO on the links below and discover how SyncDAO can be a powerful tool in helping you build unstoppable income and explosive wealth with crypto assets.

If you’d like to know more about SyncDAO you can check out the website at

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You can verify the token address on and on the official SyncDAO website

