AI Biweekly: Fujitsu AI to Vancouver; Gartner Says AI Powering IoT Automation and Deployment

Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2018

Biweekly Review

Victor Lu — Analyst, Global Industr


British Columbia Wins Fujitsu
Recognition of the importance of Artificial Intelligence has spread widely across Canadian industry, governments, and academics. In the past two weeks, the Head of Elections Canada Stephane Perrault committed to the use of AI to reduce the influence of online disinformation campaigns in the next election. In academia, the University of Toronto, one of Canada’s best universities, announced a new minor and certificate in Artificial Intelligence Engineering for next year. The new program reflects confidence in the opportunities for Canadian AI technology and talent. On the industrial side, Japanese tech giant Fujitsu announced it will headquarter its new AI company in Canada. Interestingly, Fujitsu did not choose to join existing AI clusters in Toronto or Montreal, and will instead settle in Vancouver with the support of the British Columbia government. British Columbia has relatively few AI companies compared to other Canadian provinces, we will see whether Fujitsu landing in Canada’s Pacific Rim metropolis will popularize BC as a new centre for AI business.

November 9 — Fujitsu Builds New Canadian HQ to Drive AI Adoption

November 2 — Elections Canada Will Use AI to Fight Disinformation on Social Media

Robert Tian — Senior Analyst, Global Industry

Internet of Things (IoT)

AI Empowers the Automation and Deployment of IoT

According to Gartner, Artificial Intelligence and sensor technologies are the most innovative and exciting components in the current Internet of Things (IoT) area. The cost of sensors has been decreasing, which has made IoT solutions viable for customers in manufacturing, agriculture, and many other fields. The integration of Artificial Intelligence technology on edge devices, which Google, Amazon, and other cloud providers are working on, can enable more automation and adoption in IoT, from automated street lights to smart security cameras. The key here is determining how reliable and convenient the solutions can be in implementation based on user experience. For example, Toronto-based IoT startup Validere is working with oil and gasoline companies to help them build up accurate and reliable data monitoring systems in logistics with IoT and AI technologies, so that the information can be easily and efficiently used to drive decision making.

November 16 — Gartner Believes AI is the Most Important Component in Current IoT Tech

  • In Gartner Symposium 2018 conference, Gartner’s Vice-President Nick Jones said Artificial Intelligence and smart sensors are the most important components in the current Internet of Things. He believes AI’s biggest impact is the automation of smart tech in this area.
  • Jones believes the falling cost of sensor technology makes IoT solutions more viable for clients.

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