AI Biweekly: OpenAI Launches For-Profit Arm; Patents Pave a Digital Empire

Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2019

Biweekly Review

Kelly Xie — Analyst, Global Industry

OpenAI Launches For-Profit Arm

OpenAI is a non-profit artificial intelligence research organization co-founded in 2015 by Elon Musk and Sam Altman, the president of startup incubator Y Combinator. The organization’s mission to promote and develop AI to benefit humanity as a whole grew out of the founders’ belief that profit-seeking tech giants would not prioritize such a goals. It was therefore something of a surprise to the AI community when OpenAI recently decided to incorporate a for-profit model in order to raise money for computing power and scientists. AI-related research is costly and it’s extremely difficult for a non-profit organization to operate in the sector without strong financial support.

March 11 — AI Research Group Co-Founded by Elon Musk Starts For-Profit Arm

Robert Tian — Senior Analyst, Global Industry

Patents: The Pavement of a Digital Empire

Patent royalties provide one of the most lucrative profit centers for public companies. Huawei’s telecommunication equipment patents bring it millions in global licenses fees. Siemens is trying to establish the same advantage for itself in industrial artificial intelligence. According to a recent Siemens and European Patent Office announcement, Siemens ranked №1 in patent submissions withing the EU for fiscal year 2018. More than 25 percent of the company’s patents are tied to digitization, artificial intelligence and industry 4.0 strategies. Siemens’ ambitions in the digital manufacturing field are clear.

March 12 — Siemens is the Leader in European Patent Applications

  • The European Patent Office announced the application ranks for 2018. Siemens is №1 enterprise in patent submissions (2493) in fiscal year 2018 within the EU region.
  • More than 25 percent of Siemens’ submitted patents in the EU are in areas related to industry 4.0 and digitization.
  • Siemens also reported a significant increase in patents in the artificial intelligence and cyber security field.

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