China’s GPT-3? BAAI Introduces Superscale Intelligence Model ‘Wu Dao 1.0’

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5 min readMar 23, 2021


Since the May 2020 release of OpenAI’s GPT-3, AI researchers have embraced super-large-scale pretraining models. Packing an epoch-making 175 billion parameters, GPT-3 has achieved excellent performance across multiple natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Despite their size and power however, such models still lack common sense or cognitive abilities, and so struggle with complex reasoning tasks like open dialogue, knowledge-based Q&A, visual reasoning, etc.

In a bid to promote the research and development of China’s own large-scale pretraining models and further explore universal intelligence from a more fundamental perspective, the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) recently unveiled Wu Dao 1.0, China’s first homegrown super-scale intelligent model system.

The work was led by BAAI Research Academic Vice President and Tsinghua University Professor Tang Jie, with contributions from a team of more than 100 AI scientists from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other institutes.

Wu Dao 1.0 has initiated large-scale research projects via four related models: Wu Dao — Wen Yuan, Wu Dao — Wen Lan, Wu Dao — Wen Hui, and Wu Dao — Wen Su.




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